CALDARA, Ant[oni]o


CALDARA, Ant[oni]o


CALDARA, Antonio (b Venice c1671–d Vienna 1736), [Messe] No 6 . . . rifformata, I/C/6/6


Mus. 2170-D-8


CALDARA, Ant[oni]o

Uniform Composer

CALDARA, Antonio (b Venice c1671–d Vienna 1736)

Location (1765)

Schranck I; Fach 6; Lage 6



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci coVVni Viola e Basso’

Materials (1765)

Partitura, Parti

Title Partitura

Missa dicta Reformata

Uniform Title



Unbound score copy in poor condition. Parts are missing from Dresden.
Cover: gb (upper left) Nro. 56 (upper right) | Missa à 4 (Zelenka) dicta Reformata (NB: Reformata is not in Zelenka’s hand). No 6 (pencil).
Note that although the term ‘Missa Reformata’ is used by Zelenka in the Inventarium it might be that the term is not a title, but reference to Zelenka’s own extensive reworkings and revisions of Caldara’s mass. The source of this mass supplied to Zelenka is probably the next listing in the Catalogo (1765): I/C/6/7.
Information relating to the storage of this source is given on the left side of this cover in the hand of Schürer under whose supervision the Catalogo (1765) was compiled. His information corresponds with the listing of this Mass in this Catalogo (1765): Schranck No I. | C 6. Fach 6. Lage. | No 6.) Messa à 4 voci rifformata | co’ VVni Viola ed Org. Parti:[tura] e parti cav. Incipit (two bars), which includes the alteration made in red ink by Zelenka to vn. 1, bar 1 of the score.
Kept with the score is the label to correspond with the entry in the missing Catalogo (c1785): Schranck No: I. | Lit C. 8. Fach 6. Lage | No: 6) Messa | à 4 voci rifformata | co’ VVni Viola ed Org.| Partitura e parti | del Sigr. Caldara. Incipit (as above).
From its position in Zelenka’s Inventarium, this copy seems to have been acquired between 1736 and 1739. This source is in the hand of Zelenka and an unidentified scribe.
The Kyrie was not copied by Zelenka, but it was reworked by him. Many alterations seen in the score are in Zelenka’s hand in red ink, including changes in the opening bar of vn. 1 (which then alters the incipit). Oboes are added and alterations are made to violin parts and to the bass line, including the addition of figures.
On this source see Horn (Hkm, 162) who notes that this is the ‘Credo’ Mass of the same type as Mozart’s Missa Brevis F Major (K. 192). In this Dresden source (Mus. 2170-D-8), however, the Credo refrains are consistently deleted, although it cannot be determined whether these deletions were made by Zelenka or by a later user of the score. Incipits are given in Zelenka-Dokumentation, 52, Nr. 71.
Concordance: CZ-Pak, 202. Štefan, ([210] Sign. 202), prov. Görbig; Novák. NB: the incipit given agrees with the incipit given for the listing of this mass in the Catalogo (1765), I/C/6/7. RISM ID no. 550267241.


Sächs. Landes-Bibl.


V. 2 (1900), 275: Caldara, Antonio [...] Mss. Dresden kath. Kirche: 9 Messen [...] f. Chor u. Orch.

SLB Card Catalog

Two cards:<br />
1. Caldara, Antonio: Missa dicta Reformata a 4 [con Strom.ti]. [Part.: Handschrift Zelenkas]. Part. u. St. o. J. 1 H mit 36 St. qu-4to u. 4to . Mus.-Mscr. Kath. Hofkirche. Stimmen stehen gesondert.<br />
2. Caldara, Antonio: Messa. A 4 voci con violini, viola ed organo. Part. u. St. Mus.-Mscr. 1 Bd mit 8 St. + 36 St. qu-4to u. 4to. Kath. Hofkirche. Stimmen stehen gesondert.


Score copy of Missa dicta Reformata by Caldara (Mus. 2170-D-8) held by SLUB; 8 + 36 parts to accompany the score missing from Dresden.

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“CALDARA, Ant[oni]o,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 28, 2024,