CALDARA, Ant[oni]o [Credo by J. D. Zelenka. ZWV 31]


CALDARA, Ant[oni]o [Credo by J. D. Zelenka. ZWV 31]


CALDARA, Antonio (b Venice c1671–d Vienna 1736), [Messe] No 5, I/C/6/5


Mus. 2170-D-7


CALDARA, Ant[oni]o [Credo by J. D. Zelenka. ZWV 31]

Uniform Composer

CALDARA, Antonio (b Venice c1671–d Vienna 1736)

Location (1765)

Schranck I; Fach 6; Lage 5



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci coVVni Viola e Basso’

Materials (1765)

Partitura, Parti

Title Partitura

Missa Providentiae

Uniform Title



Score copy. Parts are missing from Dresden.
Cover title page (hand of Zelenka): No 10 (upper right) replaced with No 5 (the number assigned in the Catalogo, 1765) | Missa Providentiae | à 4 | C: A: T: B: | Violin 2 | Viola e | Basso Continuo | del | S: Antonio Cal= | dara.
Cover title page [Zelenka]: No 10 [upper right] replaced with No. 5 (the number assigned in the Catalogo, 1765) | Missa Providentiae| à 4 | C: A: T: B: | Violin 2 | Viola e | Basso Continuo | del| S: Antonio Cal= | dara.
Except for occasional additions of instrumentation and instructions of dynamics added by Zelenka, the score is not in his hand. The Credo, however, was composed by Zelenka (ZWV 31). On p. 72 he wrote: Segue il Credo | in Unu[m] Deum | di G: D: Zelenka.
Another copy of this Kyrie e Gloria once was held in the Hofkapelle collection. See the listing of a Kyrie and Gloria under MUSICA SENZA NOME DELL’AUTORE, III/27/5. (I was unable to locate this example in SLUB). It probably was the source acquired by Zelenka and used as the basis of this present score (Mus. 2170-D-7).
In circa 1727 Zelenka acquired six mass settings by Italian and Imperial composers. He entered these into his Inventarium immediately after listings of masses he composed in 1726 (No. 7: Missa Paschalis ZWV 7; No. 8: Missa Nativitatis Domini ZWV 8) and c1727 (No. 9: Missa Corporis Domini[ci]). Immediately following the listings of these six masses Zelenka entered his own Missa Charitatis ZWV 10, also from circa 1727.
This group of six masses was entered into the Inventarium (p. 5) as
No. 10, Antonio Caldara, Missa Providentiae (D-Dl, Mus 2170-D-7);
No. 11, Francesco Durante, Missa Modestiae (D-Dl, Mus. 2397-D–10);
No. 12, Francesco Mancini, Missa Temperantiae (D-Dl, Mus. 2203-D–2);
No. 13, Alessandro Scarlatti, Missa Magnanimitatis (now missing);
No. 14 (p. 6), Johann Joseph Fux, Missa Fiduciae (D-Dl, Mus. 2130-D-1), and
No. 15, Johann Georg Reinhard, Missa Vita hominis brevis est (D-Dl, Mus. 2793-D-2).
Each mass was ‘stretched’, and each was adapted to accommodate the musical conditions of the Dresden Hofkirche. Each mass entry is accompanied by the letter ‘P’. (A concordance for each mass is found today in Prague).
See Bacciagaluppi & Stockigt, ‘Italian Manuscripts of Sacred Music in Dresden’, 147–8, and Stockigt ‘From Italy to Zerbst via Prague and Dresden: The transmission and transformation of a Missa attributed to Alessandro Scarlatti’ (Fasch Studien, 13).
I am very grateful to Bruno Musumeci who has communicated his recognition that the Sanctus attributed to Bach, BWV 239, is based upon the opening of the Gloria of Zelenka’s reworking of this Mass by Caldara. See Peter Wollny, ‘Zur Identifizierung einiger anonym überlieferter liturgischer Werke aus Johann Sebastian Bachs Notenbibliothek’, Bach-Jahrbuch (2017), 43–87.
On this mass see Horn (Hkm, 163), who identifies the copyist as ZS O (Die wichtigsten Schreiber, 164). Incipits given in Zelenka-Dokumentation, 49–50, Nr. 63.
1. CZ-Pkřiž, XXXVI A 105. 12 parts in the Kreuzherren collection from the second quarter of the 18th century for Kyrie and Gloria only. Title given as Missa Sancti Wenceslai. RISM ID no. 550282634.
2. D-B, Mus. ms 2740 (Poelchau collection. Based upon Zelenka’s reworking). RISM ID no. 452002734


Sächs. Landes-Bibl.


V. 2 (1900), 275: Caldara, Antonio [...] Mss. Dresden kath. Kirche: 9 Messen [...] f. Chor u. Orch.

SLB Card Catalog

•Caldera [sic], Antonio: Missa Providentiae a 4 [con Strom.ti]. [Credo von Zelenka]. Part. u. St. 1 H mit 25 St. Mus.-Mscr. qu-4to u. 4to. o. J. Stimmen stehen gesondert.<br />
• Zelenka, Jan Dismas [Messensätze. = Z 31] Credo (f. 4 V, 2 vl, vla, u. bc, d moll) in: Caldara, Antonio: Missa Providentiae. Mus. 2170-D-7.


Score copy of Missa Providentiae by Caldara (Mus. 2170-D-7, with Credo by Zelenka) held by SLUB; 25 parts missing from Dresden.


[Credo: ZWV 31]

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“CALDARA, Ant[oni]o [Credo by J. D. Zelenka. ZWV 31],” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 28, 2024,