BALIANI [Attr. to Zelenka. See III/Z/11/2]


BALIANI [Attr. to Zelenka. See III/Z/11/2]


BALIANI, Carlo (b Milan c1680–d Milan 1747), Messa senza Credo, I/B/2/1


Mus. 2243-D-1


BALIANI [Attr. to Zelenka. See III/Z/11/2]

Uniform Composer

BALIANI, Carlo (b Milan c1680–d Milan 1747)

Location (1765)

Schranck I; Fach 2; Lage 1



Scoring (1765)

‘a 5 voci co’ VVni, Viole e Basso’

Materials (1765)


Title Partitura

Missa adjuva nos Deus

Uniform Title



Bound score copy.
Cover label to correspond with the entry in the missing Catalogo (c1784): Schranck No. I. | Lit: B. 2. Fach 1. Lage | Messa | Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus | ed Agnus | à 5 voci | co’ VVni Viola ed Org: | Partitura Sola | del Sigr Baliani. Incipit.
Title page (Zelenka’s original score cover kept inside the hard cover): N 54. (right) | Missa adjuva nos Deus | à 5 | CC2: A: T: B: | VViolin 2 Viola | Violoncello ex parte Concertato | e | Basso Continuo | del C. Baliani | Revisa. et accommodata | G.D.Z.
Dedication and date of revision at conclusion of Osanna 1 (Zelenka’s hand): O A M D G B M V OO SS H AA P I R. Revisu[m] et accomodata | a J: D: Z: 1739 in Aprili. | Dresdae.
Dedication at conclusion of score: A M D G B M V OO SS H AA P I R.
See Stockigt in ‘After Six Weeks’ where it is suggested that this was one of two masses prepared by Zelenka for Maria Josepha’s churching ceremony (Kirchgang/Ingressus) held at Hubertusburg (1.11.1739) following the birth of Saxon Prince Clemens Wenceslaus (b 28.9.1739). The mass performed on that occasion has not been verified.
Horn (Hkm, 175) notes that Zelenka’s revisions to this mass concern instrumentation, performance details including dynamics and articulation, and occasional rhythmic alterations. Also see, Die wichtigsten Schreiber, 165, where the principal copyist is identified as ZS 2 (post 1730) together with Zelenka and ZS 1 (post ZS 0—from the early 1730s), Identified by Jóhannes Ágústsson as 'Scheffler' (ZS 1) and 'Seipt' (ZS 2) in an abstract (2021) titled ‘Scheffler and Seipt: Zelenka Copyists ‘ZS 1’ and ‘ZS 2’ Revealed’.' (Citation required).
Performance parts are entered into this Catalogo of 1765 as a work by Zelenka (see listing III/Z/11/2).
Incipits are given in Zelenka-Dokumentation, 48–9, Nr. 31.


Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche


V. 1 (1900), 315: Baliani, Carlo [...] In Dresden kath. Kirche im Ms., P. u. Stim., 1 Messe zu 5 St. mit 2 V. Va. Ob. u. Org.

SLB Card Catalog

[Mus. 2243-D-1 Baliani, Carlo: Missa “Adjuva nos Deus”. à 5 voci con V. V. ni, Viola ed Org, o.J. Kath, Hofkirche 1 Bd Part. qu.–4to. Mus.–Mscr| Orig. Mscr.]


Score copy of Missa adjuva nos Deus by Baliani (Mus. 2243-D-1) held by SLUB. Parts (prepared by Zelenka?; see III-11-2) now missing from Dresden and not calatogued by SLB.

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“BALIANI [Attr. to Zelenka. See III/Z/11/2],” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 27, 2024,