AUFSCHNEIDER, Bened[ett]o Ant[oni]o


AUFSCHNEIDER, Bened[ett]o Ant[oni]o


AUFSCHNAITER, Benedict Anton (b Kitzbühel 1665–d Passau 1742), Ave Regina, I/A/1/9


Mus. 2005-E-2; -E-2a


AUFSCHNEIDER, Bened[ett]o Ant[oni]o

Uniform Composer

AUFSCHNAITER, Benedict Anton (b Kitzbühel 1665–d Passau 1742)

Location (1765)

Schranck I; Fach 1; Lage 9



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci co’ VVni Viola e Basso’

Materials (1765)

Partitura; Parti

Title Partitura

Ave Regina à 4

Uniform Title



Mus. 2005-E-2: Bound score copy with un-notated label.
Inner blue-grey wrapper with title Nro 2do (Zelenka’s hand. 2do changed from 12) | Ave Regina à 4 | C A T B | 2 Violini | 1 Viola | col | Organo | Authore Sigr. Aufschnaiter | Aulae Principalis et Ecclesiae | Cathedralis Passa: Cap: | Magistro. Score and cover title in hand of copyist ZS 0 (c1725–early 1730s).

Mus. 2005-E-2a: Set of 21 parts (8 vocal; 13 Instrumental) with blue-grey wrapper: Ave Regina | à 4 (hand of ZS 2, post 1730) | Auffsneider (hand of Zelenka):
Parts are for: CCAATTBB; vn. 1 x 3 (one with the initials ‘M. P.’= Monsieur Pisendel); vn. 2 x 3; va. x 2 (alto clef; tenor clef); vc.; ‘Violone R’.; org. (figured by Zelenka); bn. x 2 (one bn part is a later addition). Except for the later part for bassoon, parts are in the hand of ZS 2.
See RISM ID no 212006742
NB: The incipit given in the Catalogo (1765) corresponds with the alto part of the following Catalogo listing: Cymbalum Davidis Vespertinum, D-Dl, Mus. 2005-E-1: I/A/1/10.
Incipit given in Zelenka-Dokumentation, 48, Nr. 30. On this work, see Horn (Hkm,129).


Mus. 2005-E-2: Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche: -E-2a: Sächs. Landes. Bibl.


V. 1 (1900), 238–9: Auffschnaidter (Aufschnaiter), Benedict Anton [...] Ms. Dresd. Kath. Kirche: Ave regina 4 voc. c. instr.

SLB Card Catalog

Auffschnaiter, Benedict Anton: Ave Regina a 4 voci con violini, viola ed organo. F-dur. Part. u. St. 1 Bd mit 21 St. qu 4to u. 4to. Orig.-Mus.-Mscr. Kath. Hofkirche.


Score copy of Ave Regina by Aufschnaiter as catalogued here (Mus. 2005-E-2) held by SLUB; 21 parts to accompany the score (Mus. 2005-E-2a) held by SLUB. 212006742

Sort Order



“AUFSCHNEIDER, Bened[ett]o Ant[oni]o,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 27, 2024,