View of Percy Grainger with Rocco Resta in US Army uniforms. They are posing in front of a wall with hanging plants and Percy has his right arm looped through Rocco's left arm. The photo has been…
Portrait of Rose Grainger showing her profile. She is wearing a dark coloured dress with lace trimmings near the collar. She is also wearing a metal necklace.
This negative relates to a photograph of a collage of photographs depicting Rose Grainger and Percy Grainger in the USA from 1919 to 1922. The photos are numbered from 34 to 81 in a random sequence.
Portrait a young Percy Grainger wearing a cravat and a double breasted coat. He appears to be leaning against a piano. The photograph has been printed onto a German postcard.
Portrait a young Percy Grainger wearing a cravat and a double breasted coat. He appears to be leaning against a piano. The photograph has been mounted on 2…
Photo: 19.2 x 13.5 cm
Photo and board: 30.2 x 22.5 cm
Portrait of a young Percy Grainer dressed in a dark suit and wearing a white shirt with a rounded collar. The photograph has been mounted onto board and…
Portrait of Percy Grainger in uniform during the First World War. He is leaning against a dark cloth backdrop against patterned carpet with his right hand crossed over his left.