Browse Items (337 total)

Silver gelatin print.

Photo: 20 x 14.5 cm
Photo and board: 22.8 x 16.4

This photograph is from a series of promotional photographs Grainger had made in London as his performing career progressed. The photograph was taken at Hana Studios, a…

Printing-out paper print. Photo: 14.3 x 10.1; Photo and board: 16.4 x 10.8

The photograph is mounted on board from the photography studio. An inscription on the mounting board, written by Percy Grainger in red ink, reads "PG Sent by Mididney, May…

Black and white photograph.

Photo: 14.3 x 10.3 cm
Photo and board: 16.4 x 10.8 cm

This portrait shows the young Percy Grainger dressed in a suit, vest and tie and looking to his right. The photograph has been mounted onto thick cardboard with…

watercolour, ink and graphite on paper

Recording Staff Bells for Living Instruments project 2019.jpg
This gallery in the Grainger Museum shows elements of the exhibition How it Plays: Innovations in Percussion. This exhibition has provided resources for The Living Instruments Project, an interdisciplinary collaboration that digitally preserves and…

VCA Interactive Composition Living Instruments 2019.JPG
The B.Music Interactive Composition students photographed here in the Grainger Museum are participating in the Living Instruments Project, an interdisciplinary collaboration that digitally preserves and transforms instruments in the Grainger Museum…

Black-laqueured box zither with wooden body and lid. Lid is very highly decorated with gold paint. 14 sets of 3 strings (twisted brass wire) held by solid brass pegs. 2 floating bridges - wooden with pierced design and 7 ivory or bone tips. 2…

Black and white photograph.

27.9 x 35.3 cm

Portrait of Percy Grainger in his later years. He is dressed in a tuxedo and is resting his arms on top of a grand piano.

Silver gelatin print. 35.2 x 27.2 cm Swedish artist, poet and amateur musician Ella Viola Ström (1889-1979) married Grainger in 1928. Here she is depicted on her veranda in White Plains, New York, in a photograph taken by her neighbour, the…
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