Lynch Family Bellringers, Glassophonists, Instrumentalists, Vocalists & Comedians poster, 1920s

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Dublin Core


Lynch Family Bellringers, Glassophonists, Instrumentalists, Vocalists & Comedians poster, 1920s


The Lynch Family were renowned for using many unusual instruments, including handbells, organ chimes, glasses, and a metallophone (‘the Marimba Resonators’). This latter instrument, described as ‘the only instrument of its kind in the world’, is an example of the innovations that were happening in tuned percussion in this period. The actual metallophone — or one very much like it — is on display in the exhibition. You can see the metallophone being reconstructed for display in the video ‘Percy Grainger’s Tuneful Percussion’, a segment of which can be seen here:


Grainger Museum Collection, Gift of Christine Fryer, 2000




01.2043 (detail shown)