Luke Fitzmaurice


Luke Fitzmaurice


Te Aupōuri, Aotearoa

Primary Sources

Fitzmaurice-Brown, L. (2022). To Rito o Te Harakeke: Decolonising Child Protection Law in Aotearoa New Zealand. Victoria University of Wellington Law Review, 53(4), 507–542.

Fitzmaurice, L. (2022). Te Rito o Te Harakeke: Decolonising child protection and children’s participation, Doctoral dissertation, University of Otago. Accessed 10 February 2023,

Fitzmaurice, L. (2021). What can the Māori-led COVID roadblocks tell us about a bicultural future legal system in Aotearoa New Zealand?. Legalities, 1(1), 7–12.

Fitzmaurice, L., & Bargh, M. (2021). Stepping up: COVID-19 checkpoints and Rangatiratanga. University of Hawai'i Press.

Fitzmaurice, L. (2020). Whānau, tikanga and tino rangatiratanga - what is at stake in the debate over the Ministry for Children? MAI Journal.

Fitzmaurice, L. (2017). Children's voices in system reform: A case study on children and young people's participation within the modernisation of Child, Youth and Family. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 29(1), 41–52.

Fitzmaurice, L. (2016). Towards a participation ecosystem: A literature review on participation in decision-making for children in state care. Journal of Applied Youth Studies, 1(3), 84–95.

Secondary Sources

Keddell, E., Fitzmaurice, L., Cleaver, K., & Exeter, D. (2022). A fight for legitimacy: reflections on child protection reform, the reduction of baby removals, and child protection decision-making in Aotearoa New Zealand. Kotuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences, 17(3), 378–404.

Keddell, E., Cleaver, K., & Fitzmaurice, L. (2022). Experiences of baby removal prevention: A collective case study of mothers and community-based workers. Qualitative Social Work, 0(0).

Keddell, E., Cleaver, K., & Fitzmaurice, L. (2021). The perspectives of community-based practitioners on preventing baby removals: Addressing legitimate and illegitimate factors. Children and Youth Services Review, 127, 106126.

Extra Resources

Fitzmaurice, L., Bargh, M., Jones, C., & Dunlop, M. (2022). stepping up: COVID-19 checkpoints and Rangatiratanga Huia Publishers, (Author talk) April 26, YouTube. Accessed 10 February 2023.


“Luke Fitzmaurice,” Decoloniality, First Nations Thinkers and thought and practices from the Global South, accessed September 12, 2024,

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