Rosiana Lagi


Rosiana Lagi



Primary Sources

Lagi, R., Waqailiti, L., Raisele, K., Tyson, L. S., & Nussey, C. (2023). ‘Curui’: weaving climate justice and gender equality into Fijian educational policies and practices. Comparative Education, 1-20.

Lagi, R.K. (2020). COVID19 – Resilient education in the islands. Higher Education Research & Development, 39(7), 1367–1371.

Lagi, R., & Armstrong, D. (2017). The integration of social and emotional learning and traditional knowledge approaches to learning and education in the Pacific. Social and Emotional Learning in Australia and the Asia-Pacific: Perspectives, Programs and Approaches, 253-271.

Lagi, R.K. (2017). Vanua Sauvi: Social roles, sustainability and resilience. In U.L. Vaai & A. Casimira (Eds.), Relational hermeneutics: Decolonising the mindset and the Pacific Itulagi (pp. 187–197). The University of the South Pacific Press. Accessed Nov 28, 2022.

Lagi, R. (2016). Compulsory teaching of English: Impacts on learning in a Fiji classroom. Open Journal of International Education, 1(2), 90-101. Accessed November 28, 2022.

Lagi, R.K. (2015). Na Bu: An explanatory study of Indigenous knowledge of climate change education in Ovalau, Fiji (Doctoral dissertation, University of the South Pacific). Accessed Nov 28, 2022.

Secondary Sources

Raisele, K., & Lagi, R. (2023). Indigenous Knowledge systems’ role in addressing sea level rise and dried water source: A Fijian case study. Pacific Dynamics: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 76(1), 332-353. Accessed November 28, 2022.

Nussey, C., Frediani, A. A., Lagi, R., Mazutti, J., & Nyerere, J. (2022). Building university capabilities to respond to climate change through participatory action research: towards a comparative analytical framework. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 23(1), 95-115.

Koya-Vaka’uta, C.F., Vaka'uta, L., & Lagi, R. (2018). Reflections from Oceania on Indigenous epistemology, the Ocean and sustainability. In S. Hessler (Ed.), Tidalectics: Imagining an Oceanic worldview through art and science (pp.127–132). MIT Press. Accessed November 28, 2022.

Crossley, M., Koya Vaka’uta, C.F., Lagi, R., McGrath, S., Thaman, K.H., & Waqailiti, L. (2017). Quality education and the role of the teacher in Fiji: Mobilising global and local values. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 47(6), 872–890.

Extra Resources

CLimate-U. (n.d.). Fiji team: University of the South Pacific. Accessed Nov 28, 2022.



“Rosiana Lagi,” Decoloniality, First Nations Thinkers and thought and practices from the Global South, accessed January 9, 2025,

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