Julia Suárez-Krabbe


Julia Suárez-Krabbe


Image used with permission, all rights remain with the author. Photograph credit to Julia Suárez-Krabbe.



Primary Sources

Suárez-Krabbe, J. (2023) Relinking as healing. On crisis, whiteness and the existential dimensions of decolonization, Globalizations, 20:2, 304-315, DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2021.2025293,

Suárez-Krabbe, J. (2022). Over our Dead Bodies: The Death Project, The Disease Of Egoism And The Existential Dimensions Of Decolonization”, In F. Carrales & J. Suárez-Krabbe (eds.), Transdisciplinary Thinking From The Global South: Whose Problems, Whose Solutions?, Routledge, pp. 130–147. ISBn 9781003172413

Tom, M. N., Suárez-Krabbe, J., and Castro, T. C. (2017). Pedagogy Of Absence, Conflict, And Emergence: Contributions To The Decolonization Of Education From The Native American, Afro-Portuguese, And Romani Experiences. Comparative Education Review, 61, pp. 121–145.

Suárez-Krabbe, J. (2017). “The Conditions That Make A Difference. Decolonial Historical Realism And The Decolonisation Of Knowledge And Education”, In M. Cross & A. Ndofirepi (eds.), Knowledge And Change In The African Universities, Sense Publishers, pp. 59–80.

Secondary Sources

Groglopo, A. & Suárez-Krabbe, J., 2023,Coloniality and decolonisation in the Nordic region: An introduction, In Coloniality and decolonisation in the Nordic region: An introduction, In Groglopo, A. & Suárez-Krabbe, J. (Eds.) Coloniality and Decolonization in the Nordic Region. Routledge, p. 1-21.

Viljoen, J.-M., & Zolkos, M. (2022). Reimagining cultural memory of the arctic in the graphic narratives of Oqaluttuaq. Memory Studies, 15(2), 332–354.

Thisted , K (2014) Politics, Oil and Rock “n” Roll: Fictionalising the International Power Game about Indigenous People’s Rights and the Fight over Natural Resources and Financial Gain in the Arctic. In Körber L. A. & E Volquardsen (Eds) , The Postcolonial North Atlantic. Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands . Nordeuropa-Institut Der Humboldt Universität , Berlin , Berliner Beiträge Zur Skandinavistik , 20, 329-360 .

Extra Resources

Julia Suárez-Krabbe, of Roskilde University forum on Over Our Dead Bodies: The Death Project, Egoism, and the Existential Dimensions of Decolonization. Sep 11, 2021 African Studies Global Virtual Forum: Decoloniality and Southern Epistemologies, YouTube, Accessed June 30, 2022.

Panel discussion “Decolonising Education: How Can We Teach And Learn A Better World?” including decolonial scholars: Mohideen Abdul Kader, Houria Bouteldja, Ramon Grosfoguel, Sandew Hira, M. Nasir, Julia Suarez-Krabbe, Islamic Human Rights Commission, IHRCtv, Oct 12, 2014, YouTube, Accessed June 30, 2022.

Denmark Says Sorry to Children of failed experiment, Adrienne Murray, 9 March, 2022, BBC News, Accessed Dec 20, 2022.

Uncovering the Legacies of Nordic Colonialism with Lill Ann Koeber, Nordic info. Aarhus University, 30 March 2021 by Lill-Ann Körber. Podcast, Accessed Dec 20, 2022.



“Julia Suárez-Krabbe,” Decoloniality, First Nations Thinkers and thought and practices from the Global South, accessed September 12, 2024, https://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/decoloniality-and-thinkers-from-the-global-south/items/show/254.

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