Ioana Vrăbiescu


Ioana Vrăbiescu


Image used with permission, all rights remain with the author. Photograph credit to Ioana Vrăbiescu.

Birth Date




Primary Sources

Vrăbiescu, I. (2021). Deporting Europeans: The Racialized Mobility of Romanians in France. Rowman & Littlefield.

Vrăbiescu, I. (2021). Devised to punish: Policing, detaining and deporting Romanians from France. European Journal of Criminology, 18(4), 585–602.

Vrăbiescu, I., & Kalir, B. (2020). Care-Full Failure: How Auxiliary Assistance To Poor Roma Migrant Women In Spain Compounds Marginalization. In Yıldız, C. & .Genova, N.D., Roma Migrants In The European Union (pp. 96-108). Routledge.

Vrăbiescu, I. (2019) The state riddle: working through messiness alongside a shared deportation apparatus in France and Romania, Social Anthropology, 27: 33-48.

Vrăbiescu, I. (2015) Not Quite Citizens: The Politics of Citizenship Dispossession Engaging a Territorial Ethics of Belonging, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai - Studia Europaea, 60(1) 97-124.

Vrabiescu. I. 2014. ‘The Subtlety of Racism: From Antiziganism to Romaphobia’. In Agarin. T.(Ed) When Stereotype Meets Prejudice: Antiziganism in European Societies,
Stuttgart: Ibidem Verlag.

Vrabiescu, I. (2013). The ‘Nomad Gypsy’through Decolonial View: The Roma Situation In Romanian National State Building. In Boswell, D., O’Shea, R. & Tzadik, E.(eds.), Inculturalism: Meaning And Identity (pp. 117-127). Brill.

Secondary Sources

Borrelli, L. M. (2022). Tracing the circulation of emotions in Swiss migration enforcement: organizational dissonances, emotional contradictions and frictions. Identities, 1-18.

Beck, S. and Ivasiuc, A. (2018) (eds.) Roma Activism: Reimagining Power and Knowledge, New York and Oxford: Berghahn.

Kóczé, A. (2009). ‘Missing Intersectionality: Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and Class in Current Research and Policies on Romani Women in Europe’. Center for Policy Studies Working Papers. Budapest: CEU Center for Policy Studies.

Extra Resources

A Conversation with Ioana Vrabiescu interviewer, Gareth Johnson, The Exchanges Discourse - A podcast about early career publishing in academia, Oct 16, 2020 Podcast, Accessed Nov, 28, 2022.

A Roma Future through a Process of Decoloniality, European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture ROMA MONA,

Matache, M. (2020) ‘It is time reparations are paid for Roma slavery’, FXB Center Blog, 6 October. Accessed Nov, 28, 2022.



“Ioana Vrăbiescu,” Decoloniality, First Nations Thinkers and thought and practices from the Global South, accessed September 12, 2024,

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