Browse Items (23 total)

This output was produced by members of the #DataCreativities team Kristal Spreadborough, Gene Melzack, and Emily Fitzgerald.

This output is a single PDF document containing:
1. context and overview of the ecology of resources used by…

This week the #DataCreativities project team from the University of Melbourne presented a new model for visual data analysis - thanks to @kateycoleman @MDAP_Unimelb @MelbCSHE @fitzyjane @SpreadboroughKL @mazinbriz #Figshare

The relationship between activity, platform, and data trace is captured withing the system of (inter)actions – a framework for understanding the association between desired goals and the mediums through which these are realised (Spreadborough et al.,…
Output Formats

atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2