Browse Items (23 total)

The Australia Council is working with Patternmakers and WolfBrown to understand changes in behaviours and sentiments of arts-goers in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, to support decision-making and forward planning across the sector.

This started as a slideshow of our research but then took on a life of it's own as an episode of our exquisite mashup game.

Details of December 14 Workshop including QR code and url for registration

This week the #DataCreativities project team from the University of Melbourne presented a new model for visual data analysis - thanks to @kateycoleman @MDAP_Unimelb @MelbCSHE @fitzyjane @SpreadboroughKL @mazinbriz #Figshare

Creative Victoria is part of a global study to track audience sentiment in the wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The COVID-19 Outlook Monitor research is being conducted over three stages to understand how audiences feel about engaging…

Presentation at "ARTiculate:

Communicating your research in the Fine Arts and Music", Hosted by the Faculty of Fine Arts and Music, University of Melbourne, 2020-11-26

We are witnessing a cultural and pedagogical evolution. The…

This digital introduction to #Datacreativites draws from visual and auditory sources that epitomise our collaboration. The summary text of our collaboration is mirrored, highlighted, and disrupted by a ZOOM theme ostinato and compilation of the 34…

To make sense of data, and to cite data and its relationship to theory and method I draw. I draw the spaces between as I think. I draw the lines that navigate from site to site, thinking with and seeing through allows me to sense-make and make-sense.…

The relationship between activity, platform, and data trace is captured withing the system of (inter)actions – a framework for understanding the association between desired goals and the mediums through which these are realised (Spreadborough et al.,…

The COVID-19 Impact on Cultural Industries survey was designed in collaboration with Performing Arts Connections Australia.
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