1880 - 1900: Consolidation


1880 - 1900: Consolidation


In 1880s, the University received multiple capital grants to expand and construct more departmental buildings. These included the New Medical School, the Biology School, the Natural Philosophy School, the free standing houses for professors, and the enlargement of the Old Chemistry building. Wilson Hall was built in 1882, funded by a donation by the pastoralist, Samuel Wilson, for whom the Hall was named. At the end of the century, the Engineering School and the Bacteriology building were created with specific capital grants.

Collection Items

Elisabeth Murdoch Building
Built in 1885, first known as New Medical Building then Old Pathology, it was the first expansion of the medical school at the University of Melbourne (the first medical school in Australia). The building was remodelled in 1908 and a second storey…

Baldwin Spencer Building
Opened in 1888 as the Biology School under the direction of Baldwin Spencer, the first professor of biology at the University of Melbourne. The building contained a lecture theatre, teaching museum, and laboratories. In 1899 further rooms were added.…

University House & Professorial Houses
University House was the first professorial house built on the campus in 1884 for Professor Nanson (Mathematics). An additional six were built in 1887 where the Baillieu Library now stands. University House is the only remaining professorial house of…

Engineering building
Built in 1899, the Engineering Building was the home of the first permanent Engineering course in Australia. Its construction was jointly funded by Professor William Charles Kernot, and the Government.
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