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Native to Western USA, this tree has a distinct aroma and useful wood for outdoor construction and furniture.

This tree was planted to commemorate Alf Leslie by his daughter, Leigh Leslie on 16th October 2010. It is a Metasequoia glytostroboides (dawn redwood), a fast-growing, deciduous conifer, native to China.

This area was established by William “Billo”Lister during his time as Principal. Originally a wetland area for the collection of aquatic plants, the school began planting around ‘the swamp’ in 1968 adding the Cootamundra wattle and alder nearby on…

North of the swamp area, the tennis court was constructed by students in 1925.

Located on the corner of Water and Moore Streets, this beautiful conifer contains fleshy berry-like cones, native to South African tropical and subtropical forests.

One hundred metres from the corner of Moore Street is another example of a deciduous conifer. Of great importance for its water resistant and odourless wood, this rarely-planted species is used on site for tree identification, by comparing its…

UOM_WalkingTour_V5e A4-GF edit.pdf
Map and guided tour of the Creswick campus, showing significant trees and buildings.

Herbarium chapter July 2010.pdf
Bell, T., Blackwell, P., & Ashton, A. (2010). Foliage - the Victorian School of Foresty Herbarium. In B. D. Fry, R. F. Hateley, & R. M. Youl (Eds.), Circumspice : one hundred years of forestry education centred on Creswick, Victoria (pp. 125-140).…

Acacia alpina. Collected by P. Fagg, Mt Useful 1969

Acacia gunnii. Collected by J.H. Willis, Creswick 1932

Acacia mucronata. Collected by J.H. Willis, Tasmania 1947

Acacia stricta. Two specimens. One collected by H.B. Williamson, Curdie River 1905. One collected by J.H. Willis, Creswick 1932.

Acacia verticillata. Collected by J.H. Willis, Great Ocean Road near Lorne 1931

Acaena ovina. Collected by H.B. Williamson, Linton 1913

Acianthus exsertus. Two Specimens. One collected by H.B. Williamson, Hawkesdale 1898. One collected by R.W. Bond, Wonthaggi 1932.

Astroloma conostephioides. Collected by D. Sullivan, Grampians, Moyston 1870

Atherosperma moschatum. Collected by P. Fagg, Bendoc 1966

Atherosperma moschatum. Collected by J.H. Willis, Kallista, Dandenong Ranges, mountain gullies 1934

Baeckea crassifolia. Collected by Miss Brymer, Hopetoun 1898

Banksia integrifolia. Collected by H.B. Williamson, Grampians date not recorded
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