Browse Items (1888 total)
Card catalogue drawers of forestry references

Green woollen blazer and silk tie both with gold and brown embroidery, school logo on right-hand pocket
An Epidiascope that would have been used for teaching and talks by the VSF and also possibly by members of the FCV
Forestry Refresher Course 1969 : Assignment F Souveneer Menu (typed on a piece of Veneer)
Wooden study desk with student grafitti inside drawers including year class lists
Wooden Shoe lasts that were part of the VSF Museum collection.
VSF Plaque. One of the many copies of the plaque with the motto 'Circumspice" which translates: "look around you"
Surveyors compass in wooden box
Page from a photo album of students at Powelltown from 1938. Lister, Weste, Fleming, Simmonds, O'Kane, Flentje. Campbell, Parnaby. Boardman, Patterson, Larnach, Endacott, Campbell, Parnaby.
Nails from the Library wooden flooring, dating to the construction in 1863. These nails were recovered during network cabling operations in 2014.
A Gladstone Bag that belonged to J. H. Willis.
Sample of heart rot in a gum log that was part of the VSF Museum collection.
Fire protection map for the VSF campus. Framed to hang in an office or prominent position
Sample page from a Photograph album of VSF students and grounds taken in the 1930s
Distiller - copper box and stand, bakelite fittings, cork and glass tubing.
Assorted old keys from various buildings and rooms across the Creswick Campus

Herbarium chapter July 2010.pdf
Bell, T., Blackwell, P., & Ashton, A. (2010). Foliage - the Victorian School of Foresty Herbarium. In B. D. Fry, R. F. Hateley, & R. M. Youl (Eds.), Circumspice : one hundred years of forestry education centred on Creswick, Victoria (pp. 125-140).…

Cast bronze, displayed in square red case lined with blue velvet and white satin
Medal - 3 cm diameter, poss cast bronze. Front reads : serit arbores quae alteri seculo Prosint. Cicero / Tree and leather belt emblem /Back reads The Royal English Arboricultural Society and inscribed 'Awarded to M. H. Rowe for an essay on the…

Seed, leaf, bud and distribution. Prepared by Ron Hately at the end of his first student year.
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