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Herbarium chapter July 2010.pdf
Bell, T., Blackwell, P., & Ashton, A. (2010). Foliage - the Victorian School of Foresty Herbarium. In B. D. Fry, R. F. Hateley, & R. M. Youl (Eds.), Circumspice : one hundred years of forestry education centred on Creswick, Victoria (pp. 125-140).…

UOM_WalkingTour_V5e A4-GF edit.pdf
Map and guided tour of the Creswick campus, showing significant trees and buildings.

One hundred metres from the corner of Moore Street is another example of a deciduous conifer. Of great importance for its water resistant and odourless wood, this rarely-planted species is used on site for tree identification, by comparing its…

Located on the corner of Water and Moore Streets, this beautiful conifer contains fleshy berry-like cones, native to South African tropical and subtropical forests.

North of the swamp area, the tennis court was constructed by students in 1925.

This area was established by William “Billo”Lister during his time as Principal. Originally a wetland area for the collection of aquatic plants, the school began planting around ‘the swamp’ in 1968 adding the Cootamundra wattle and alder nearby on…

This tree was planted to commemorate Alf Leslie by his daughter, Leigh Leslie on 16th October 2010. It is a Metasequoia glytostroboides (dawn redwood), a fast-growing, deciduous conifer, native to China.

Native to Western USA, this tree has a distinct aroma and useful wood for outdoor construction and furniture.

River quartz was use to construct the guttering and local slate was used to construct the garden beds.

The grounds layout was designed and landscaped in the early 1900s by Mr John Johnstone, the Superintendent of State Plantations. Admire the 100-year-old rock work and steps.

The seedling of this pine was propagated from the original lone pine in Gallipoli. On 23 March 1975, Legacy unveiled a plaque to commemorate soldiers who fought at Gallipoli. In 1976, the top was broken off by vandals. Fortunately it survived, …

Native to Oregon and California.

Constructed in 1863, this is the oldest building on campus. The blue stone used came from Clunes. In 1910, the Victorian State Forests Department purchased the building to house classrooms and laboratories.

Native to the mountains west and east of the Black Sea. Given this species dislikes hot, dry summers, this is an excellent specimen.

Located in the main part of the old hospital building, the library houses significant forest related collections and displays from the cultural collection including the Wardle Wood Collection.

You can also see the buildings’ tower and the dining area and kitchen that catered to the former hospital and now for groups staying on campus.

Built in 1863, this building was originally used as the domestic staff quarters and later as the VSF Principal’s residence. Prince Charles stayed in the building during his visit in 1974. Now used as the centre for the Matrix mathematics conferences…

Native to California, the wood is fibrous and brittle so not suitable for construction. The bark is soft, thick and reddish-brown in colour.

This area includes some of the earliest plantings in the grounds and was expanded in 1972 with plantings of an additional 12 species of Quercus.

Named after the Chairman of the Forest Commission, the house was built in 1961 for student accommodation
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