Wind erosion Timberoo. Showing the effects of wind swirling around posts at Timberoo Reserve. Caused by the action of wind on the surrounding fallowed paddocks.
Fire lines. Forest Commission's D.Y. Crawler tractor with tree dozer. This unit clears trails of all vegetation knocking over trees of up to 2' diameter. The trail is first cleared by the machine which returns along it's route and scoops the grass &…
Stacking and sorting. A.1. Toorango Lumberlast No 1. Dump. Dumping by Washington steam winch, hauling to spar tree 3,000,000 super ft. in dump. Individual logs up to 10,000 super ft. of Eucalyptus Regnans, Elevation 3400'.
A dramatic close-up of water at work. It is the Salt River, in slight flood stage, cutting out extensive silt deposits in the upper part of the Roosevelt Reservoir basin and carrying the mud down nearer the dam.
How a denuded mountain looks immediately after terracing and reforestation. This is the slope of Mt. Cavallaro where the work of soil stabilization cost 20,000 pounds an acre, exclusive of reforestation over 82,000 acres of these slopes denuded years…