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This book in the COPE series helps children to understand how the virus is spread, how to stay safe, and how to stay smiling during the lockdown.

COPE is a series of books designed to increase the disaster resilience of children.

An article written by Centre for the Developing Child- Harvard University on how to support healthy child development. A 3-step guide for caregivers.

UNICEF Parenting website brings together some of the world’s leading baby experts to support parents with top tips, interesting insights and fun facts.

The website provides link to resources to support the provision of education in places affected by COVID-19.

The website shows students began trying to navigate distance learning all over the world through pictures from different parts of the world.

History and current situation of distance learning in New Zealand. The article also talks about how parents can support their child do distance learning.

The author interviewed students, parents and teachers about their experience with teaching and learning during the lockdown.
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