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Cover of Prolegomena.jpg
The word Prologomena has been glossed "Prelimary observations" and "Introductory".

inscription to odonnell.jpg
Inscription (in Irish - punctum expanded to h) from Dinneen to O'Donnell: "Dochtúr Nioclás Ua Domhnall ó láimh ughdar Pádruig Ua Duinnín 4-4-‘11".

inscription on recto of frontispiece.jpg
Inscription on recto of frontispiece (in Irish - punctum expanded to h) reads "Nioclás O Dómhnaill ó na charaid An Craoibhín. Oct. 1916."An Craoibhín, short for An Craoibhín Aoibhinn, "The beautiful little branch", was Douglas Hyde's pen name.

saints and sinners cover.jpg
Has remains of O'Donnell's spine labels.


Page 99 Fildhe na Maighe translation .jpg
O'Donnell continues to translate the poem into English, pasting his translations into the page opposite.

page 98 Fildhe na maighe original poem.jpg
In a similar way to page 97, O'Donnell has pasted in his English translation of the poem opposite page 98.

Page 97 Fildhe na Maighe translation.jpg
Here we see O'Donnell translating a poem into English in the marginalia on the opposite page. The close engagement with the language and culture is especially important here. It appears he has pasted in the English translation opposite page 97 of the…
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