ZEILER, P[ater]



ZEILER, P[ater]


Zeiler, Gallus (b Kempten 1705–d Füssen 1755), 4. Regina Coeli . . . Tutti insieme, III/Z/5/10


Mus. 3158-E-11; Mus. 3158-E-12; Mus. 3158-E-13; Mus. 3158-E-14


ZEILER, P[ater]

Uniform Composer

Zeiler, Gallus (b Kempten 1705–d Füssen 1755)

Location (1765)

Schranck III; Fach 5; Lage 10



Scoring (1765)

‘a voce solo con Strom. ’

Materials (1765)

Partitura; Parti

Title Partitura

Regina Coeli Laetare No: 2

Uniform Title



Parts are missing for each of the following scores:
Mus. 3158-E-14: Score copy. Cover title: No: 2. Caption title: Regina Coeli Laetare No: 2. Scored for vn.1; vn. 2; va.; Basso [solo]; b.c. (figured, and altered by Zelenka). F Major; 2/4.
Mus. 3158-E-12: Score copy without cover. Caption title: Regina Coeli No: 1 (replacing [No:] 2do?). Scored for vn. 1; vn. 2; va.; Alto [solo]; b.c. (unfigured). E flat Major; C.
Mus. 3158-E-13: Score copy without cover.
Caption title: Regina Coeli Laetare No: 3. Scored for vn. 1; vn. 2; va; Tenore [solo]; bc. (figured and altered by Zelenka, who reworked much of this setting). C Major; 3/4.
Mus. 3158-E-11: Score copy without cover. Caption title: Regina Coeli Laetare No: 4 (replacing [No:] 1). Scored for vn. 1; vn. 2; va.; Canto [solo]; b.c. (unfigured). B flat Major; 2/4. NB: Without text underlay.
Horn identifies the copyist of Mus. 3158-E-11 to -E-14 as ZS 2 (= post 1730). On these settings, see III/Z/5/2 in this Catalogo (1765).
In the later ‘Catalogo della Musica di Chiesa ...’ (c1784) score and parts are listed for three of the ‘4 Regina Coeli’ by Zeiler (III/Z/7/10). Parts are not marked for the setting No. 4, ‘à Soprano Solo co’ VVni Vla ed Org.’


Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche (x 4)


V. 19 (1904), 335: Zeiler, P. Gallus [...] Im Archiv der kathol. Kirche in Dresden befinden sich unter P. Zeiler (jedenfalls der obige) im Ms. P. u. Stb: 1. 4 Alma redemptoris für Solo, 2 V. Va. u. Bc. 2. 5 Ave regina, ebenso. 3. 5 Regina coeli, ebenso.

SLB Card Catalog

Zeiler, [Gallus]: 4 Regina coeli<br />
1) à Contr’alto Solo [Es-dur; Cut Common time]. Partitura e Part. Part (u. St.)<br />
2) à Basso Solo [F-dur; 2/4]. Partitura e Part. Part (u. St.)<br />
3) à Tenore Solo [C-dur; 3/4]. Partitura e Part. Part (u. St.)<br />
4) à Soprano Solo [B-dur; 2/4]. Partitura e Part. Part (u. St.)<br />
4 H. (mit 15 St.) [...] Mus.-Mscr. Kath. Hofkirche. Stimmen stehen gesondert)* [*9 Stimmen Kreigsverlust]. (umsigniert von 3158-E-10 , 1–4)


Four score copies of 4 Regina Coeli settings by Zeiler (Mus. 3158-E-11; -E-12; -E-13; -E-14) held by SLUB; 15 parts to accompany these settings missing from Dresden.

Sort Order



“ZEILER, P[ater],” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 28, 2024, http://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/hofkirchecatalogo1765/items/show/4391.