


?SCHÜTZ, Anton (d Gabel [Bohemia] 1755), Litaniae Lauretanae, III/S/1/6


Mus. 2874-D-1



Uniform Composer

?SCHÜTZ, Anton (d Gabel [Bohemia] 1755)

Location (1765)

Schranck III; Fach 1; Lage 6



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci con stromenti’

Materials (1765)

Partitura; Parti

Title Partitura

Litaniae Lauretanae

Uniform Title



Set of 17 parts kept in a blue-grey cover. Score is missing.
Cover title (hand of Zelenka): H (upper right); N: 5 (replacing N. 6) | Litaniae Lauretanae | à 4 | del S: Schütze.
‘Schütz, Anton, ein verdienter Schul- und Chorrektor zu Gabel in Böhmen, wo er 1755 gestorben ist.’ Dlabač, Allgemeines historisches Künstler-Lexikon für Böhmen, v. 3, 71.
Parts: (4 vocal; 13 instrumental) Canto Con:; Alto Con:; Tenore Con:; Basso; Violino Primo; Violino Primo; Violino Primo; Violino 2do; Violino 2do; Violone Rip.; Organo (figured); unspecified instrumental bass part; Oboe Imo; Oboe 2do; Oboe Primo; Oboe 2do; Fagotto.
This is one of a group of five short settings of the Litany of Loreto by Bohemian composers that were entered into the catalogue (1765) – all from Zelenka’s collection but not listed in his Inventarium. These settings probably were acquired for use in the Dresden Hofkirche following the expansion in 1727 of the Kapellknaben ensemble and of Marian devotions. In that year the annual letter to Rome reported: ‘At the beginning of the school year the number of young musicians was increased in order to amplify Marian devotions, and all Saturdays and also ferial days preceding Marian feasts will be celebrated with litanies [...].’ Annuae Litterae Missionis Dresdensis ad annum 1727, ARSI (I-Rar), Boh 143, 19.
The composers of similar Litanies of Loreto (all provenance of Zelenka) are Czerwenka (missing), Gerbich (Görbig), the Cistercian Grünberger (OC), Muck, and Schütze. Each composer is also represented in the Osek music catalogues. In some copies of these litanies the scribe gives a phonetic spelling or an interpretation of the written name of the composer: Korbischi = Görbig or Gerbich; Krusberger = Grünberger; Muk = Muck.
These parts are mainly in the hand of the copyist Horn names as ZS 2 (from the the early 1730s).


Sächs. Landesbibliothek


V. 9 (1903). Unlisted.

SLB Card Catalog

Schütze, . . . : Litaniae Laurentae a 4 voci con strom. H-moll; C. St. 15 [?] St. 4to. [Orchester-Stimmen, unvollständig!] [Chor-Stimmen: S, A, T, B.] Mus.-Mscr. 1984: + 4 Chor-Stimmen. Mus.-Mscr. Kath. Hofkirche


Seventeen (4 + 13) parts of Litaniae Lauretanae by Schütze (Mus. 2874-D-1) kept by SLUB. The score to accompany the parts of this Litany was not catalogued by SLB.

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“SCHÜTZE,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 28, 2024,