


REUTTER, (Johann Adam Joseph Karl) Georg (von) (ii)? (b Vienna 1708–d Vienna 1772), [Messe] No 3, II/R/16/12


Mus. 2979-D-4



Uniform Composer

REUTTER, (Johann Adam Joseph Karl) Georg (von) (ii)? (b Vienna 1708–d Vienna 1772)

Location (1765)

Schranck II; Fach 16; Lage 12



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci co’ VVni Vla Basso e Trombe’

Materials (1765)

Partitura; Parti

Title Partitura

Missa à 4

Uniform Title



Score copy. Blue-grey cover. Parts are missing.
Cover title (hand of Zelenka): D# (left); No: 3 (centre; not Zelenka) | No 59 | Missa | à 4 | C:A:T:B: | Violin 2 | Oboe 2 ad libitu[m] | Viola | Clarini 2 | e | Tym: (bracketed and marked ‘ad libitu[m]’) | col | Basso Continuo | de S: Reiter | Renovata | G. D. Z.
Conclusion of score: dedication formula with date: A M D G B V OO SS H A P I R. Renovata fuit haec Missa … J. D. Z.| Dresdae 1739 in Aprili.
Stockigt (‘After Six Weeks’) suggests this was one of two masses prepared for Maria Josepha’s Kirchgang held at Hubertusburg on 1 November 1739 after the birth of Prince Clemens Wenceslaus (b 20.9.1739). Zelenka also renovated a mass by Baliani in April, 1739. See I/B/2/1.
Incipits of all movements are given in Zelenka-Dokumentation, 65, Nr. 203.
Two mass settings by Reutter entered into the Zelenka’s Inventarium as Nr. 59 (Mus. 2979-D-4) and Nr. 60 (Mus. 2979-D-3) could be ascribed to Reutter the Younger (ii), but Horn (Hkm, 155) cautions that no certainty is possible with these Reutter sources kept in Dresden.
Horn identifies the copyist of Mus. 2979-D-4 as ZS 1 (‘Die wichtigsten Schreiber’, 165).
CZ-Pkřiž, XXXV C 145. Set of 7 parts for the complete setting of this Mass (titled Missa Dominicalis | à | 4. Voci | Violin 2 | con | Organo | 1741 | del sig: Reutter). The materials came into the collection of the Kreuzherren (1741). Parts are for: CATB; vn. 1,2; tba. RISM ID no. 550255009.


Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche



V. 8 (1903), 198–9: Eitner attributes the seven Masses listed in this Catalogo (1765) under ‘Del de Reitern’ to Georg Reutter (Reuter) II.

SLB Card Catalog

Reiter, Giorgio [= ‘Reutter, Giorgio di]: Missa à 4 [con strom.] Rinovata de Z[elenka]. D dur. 3|2. Part u. St. Dresdae, Aprili 1739. 1 H mit 25 St. Mus.-Mscr. qu.-4to u. 4to. Kath. Hofkirche. Stimmen stehen gesondert


Score copy of Missa Brevissima attributed to Georg Reutter (ii?)and ‘renovated’ by Zelenka held by SLUB (Mus. 2979-D-4); 25 parts missing from Dresden.

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“REITERN,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 29, 2024,