


PALESTRINA, Giovanni Pierliugi da (b Palestrina 1525–d Rome 1594), 17. Messe, II/P/12/3


See Remarks



Uniform Composer

PALESTRINA, Giovanni Pierliugi da (b Palestrina 1525–d Rome 1594)

Location (1765)

Schranck II; Fach 12; Lage 3



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci a Capella’

Materials (1765)


Uniform Title



Seventeen score copies. The incipit (above) is from the soprano part of Mus. 997-D-17, Missa Spem in alium.
NB: confirmation of the following speculations is required.
These masses, whose numberings seem to represent a double set and include two settings previously attributed to Caldara (Mus. 997-D-504 and Mus. 997-D-53), and one mass already listed in the Catalogo (see II/P/12/1: Missa Iste Confessor) are :
No. 1. Mus. 997-D-17: Missa Spem in alium. SATB. b.c. (Label x 15 in pencil) G.A.XII,3;
No. 1. Mus. 997-D-27: Missa [secunda] Sine Nomine. SAATB, b.c. SLB; DdKHK (Label x IV in pencil) G.A.XIII,85;
No. 2. Mus. 997-D-28: Missa ‘O Magnum Mysterium’. SAATB, b.c. G.A.XIII,110;
No. 2. Mus. 997-D-18: Missa ‘1ma Toni’. SATB, b.c. G.A.XII,26;
No. 3: Mus. 997-D-19: Missa Brevis. SATB, b.c. G.A.XII, 50;
No. 4: Mus. 997-D-20: Missa de Feria. SATB, b.c. G.A.XII, 66;
No. 5: Mus. 997-D-21: Missa ‘L’homme armè’. SAATB, b.c. G.A.XII, 75;
No. 5: Mus. 997-D-29: Missa ‘Panis quem ego dabo’. SATB, b.c. G.A.XIV, 34;
No. 6: Mus. 997-D-22: Missa ‘Os meum repleatur laude’. SSATB, b.c. G.A.XII, 05;
No. 6. Mus. 997-D-12a; -D-12b: Missa ‘Iste Confessor’. SATB, b.c. (NB: already listed in this Catalogo (1765): see II/P/12/1);
No. 7: Mus. 997-D-23: Missa ‘de Beata Virginie, vel Dominicalis’. SSAATB, b.c. G.A.XII, 133/ 138?;
No. 7: Mus. 997-D-30: Missa ‘Nigra sum’. SAATB, b.c. G.A.XIV, 66;
No. 8. Mus. 997-D-31: Missa ‘Sicut lilium inter spinas’. SAATB, b.c.
No. 8. Mus. 997-D-24: [Missa Prima]. SATB, b.c. G.A.XIII, 1;
No. 9. Mus. 997-D-504: Untitled Mass setting (previously attributed to Caldara). SATB, b.c.
No. 9. Mus. 997-D-32: Missa ‘Nasce la gioia mea’ à 6. SSAATB, b.c. G.A.XIV, 118;
No. 10: Mus. 997-D-25: Missa ‘Jesu nostra Redemptio’. SATB, b.c. G.A.XIII, 29;
No. 10: Mus. 997-D-16: Missa sine nomine. SSATTB. Organo. G.A.X, 153;
No. 11. Mus. 997-D-53: Untitled Mass setting (previously attr. to Caldara). SATB, b.c.
No. 12: Mus. 997-D-26: Missa prima ‘Eripe me de inimicis meis’. SAATB, b.c. G.A.XIII, 59;
Each score bears the stamp: Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche. These works are in the hand of Zelenka’s copyist ZS O (Horn, ‘Die wichtigsten Schreiber’, 166). They are numbered here according to the number given at the head of each score. Almost all numbers are duplicated, giving a total of 20 masses including two masses previously attributed to Antonio Caldara and the Palestrina mass already listed in this Catalogo, Missa ‘Iste Confessore’, II/P/12/1. This entry therefore presents a total of 17 already-unlisted masses by Palestrina. Each score is bound with a marbled cover with label for title. Several have remarks in red pencil, possibly made by Anton Schubert. On the manuscript copies of Palestrina masses held by SLUB, see Horn (Hkm, 95–9). Horn devotes a chapter to Zelenka’s working of Palestrina’s Missa Nigra sum in Zelenka-Studien I, 352–9.


Sächs. Landesbibliothek; Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche


SLB Card Catalog


Seventeen score copies of Palestrina masses (plus two, formerly attributed to Caldara) held by SLUB, including the copy of Missa Iste Confessor listed under II/P/12/1; Mus. 997-D-12a. Prov. Zelenka.

Sort Order



“PRENESTINI,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 29, 2024,