POPPE, Franc[esc]o



POPPE, Franc[esc]o


POPPE, Frantiček Ludvík; Franz Ludwig; Francesco [also Johann] (b Oppole 1670–d Prague 1730), Missa S. Antonii Paduani, II/P/11/5


Mus. 3610-D-1; Mus. 3610-D-1a


POPPE, Franc[esc]o

Uniform Composer

POPPE, Frantiček Ludvík; Franz Ludwig; Francesco [also Johann] (b Oppole 1670–d Prague 1730)

Location (1765)

Schranck II; Fach 11; Lage 5



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci co’ VVni Vla e B’

Materials (1765)

Partitura; Parti

Title Partitura

Missa S. Antonii Paduanii

Uniform Title



Mus. 3610-D-1. Score copy of a missa tota.
Blue-grey cover with title (hand of Zelenka): A natural (upper left) No. 58 (upper right) | Missa S; Antonii Paduani | à 4 | C:A:T:B: | Violin 2 | Viola | Oboe 2 ad libitu[m] | e | Basso Continuo | del S: Poppe. Franz Poppe was choirmaster (Regens chori) of the Kreuzherren church in Prague: St Francis Seraphim.
At the time of viewing this source, Zelenka’s autogr. of a Benedictus setting [ZWV 40] was kept at the conclusion of the score.
The incipit of the Catalogo (1765) almost agrees with bars 1–2, vn. 1 (score).
Zelenka’s alterations in red ink are seen throughout the score with marks of orchestration, dynamics, tempi (p. 37), additions to the violin line (p. 5), alterations to the text underlay (p. 6), and figures of the bass (opening).
At the head of Agnus Dei is Zelenka’s remark: ‘NB Benedictus quaere folio 23’ (this is the Benedictus setting inserted into Pisani‘s mass: See II/P/10/9).
Wolfgang Horn identifies the copyist of the score as ZS 1 (‘Die wichtigsten Schreiber’, 165).
Mus. 3610-D-1a: Set of 21 parts (8 vocal; 13 instrumental). Blue-grey wrapper with label, and additional pale brown wrapper.
Label on wrapper to correspond with the Catalogo (c1784): Schranck No. II. | Lit. P. 7. Fach 17. Lage | Messe | à 4 voci | co’ VVni Viola ed Org. | Partitura e parti | del Sigr Franco Poppe | Incipit.
Cover title (hand of Zelenka): 58 (upper left) | Missa Divi Antonii | Paduani | à 4 | Poppe (not in Zelenka’s hand). On the reverse Zelenka wrote: ‘Psalmi pro toto anno. | Hymn: Fortem virili pectore’ (Vespers I and II for the Common of Holy Women).
Parts: Soprano; Alto; Tenore; Basso; Canto Ripieno; Alto Ripieno; Tenore Ripieno; Basso Rip; Violino Primo ‘Sr P’ (Signor Pisendel); Violino primo; Violino primo; Violino secundo; Violino secundo; Violetta; Violetta; Violone Ripieno; Violone Ripieno; Hautbois primo; Hautbois secundo; Fagotto; Fagotto. Organo part is missing.
Wolfgang Horn (Hkm, 158-9) identifies the copyist of the parts as ZS 2 (‘Die wichtigsten Schreiber’, 165).
Franz Poppe was Regens chori of the Kreuzherren church (St Francis Seraphim), Prague.
Incipits are given in Zekenka-Dokumentation, 6, Nr. 180.


[Mus. 3610-D-1]: Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche; [-D-1a]: Sächs. Landes-Bibl.


V. 8 (1903), 18: Poppe, Franz: In Dresd. kath. Kirche befinden sich Missa 4 voc. c. VV. Va. ed org [...]

SLB Card Catalog

Mus. 3610-D-1. Poppe, Franz: Missa S. Antonii Paduanii. A 4 voci con violini, viola, oboe ad libitum e basso continuo. A moll. Part. qu 4to. Mus. -Mscr. Kath. Hofkirche. Stimmen Mus. 3610-D-1a: Mus. 3610-D-1a: Poppe, Franz: Missa S. Antonii Paduani. A 4 voci con violini, viola; oboe ad libitum e basso continuo. a-Moll. 1 bd. mit 21 St. Mus. -Mscr. Kath. Hofkirche


Score of Missa S. Antonii Paduani by Poppe held by SLUB (Mus. 3610-D-1); 21 parts held by SLUB (Mus. 3610-D-1a).

Sort Order



“POPPE, Franc[esc]o,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed January 8, 2025, http://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/hofkirchecatalogo1765/items/show/3903.