NEGRI, Luigi


NEGRI, Luigi


NEGRI, Antonio? (d Dresden 1740), Psalmi: Beatus vir, II/N/6/2


Mus. 2883-D-2


NEGRI, Luigi

Uniform Composer

NEGRI, Antonio? (d Dresden 1740)

Location (1765)

Schranck II; Fach 6; Lage 2



Scoring (1765)

‘a 2 voci Sopr. e Contr. con stromti’

Materials (1765)


Title Partitura

Beatus vir

Uniform Title

Psalms (ps. 111)


Bound score copy. Brown cardboard outer cover; Blue-grey inner cover.
Catalogue label (outer cover) to correspond with the entry in the missing Catalogo (c1784): Schranck No. II. | Lit: N. 4. Fach 2. Lage | Psalmi | Beatus vir | a 2. voci | Soprano e Contr’Alto | col VVni Viola ed Org. | Partitura sola. | del Sig.r Negri | Incipit. NB: The first and final notes of the incipit are incorrect: Each should read c’’’.
Cover title (hand of Zelenka): F (left) : Nro 9 (right) | Beatus a 2 | C e A | Violin 2 | Viola | e | Basso Conti | del Negri.
Zelenka identifies the composer of the following (related) entry (Mus. 2883-D-1: II/N/6/2) as ‘S: Antonio Negri’. Perhaps this is the father (named Antonio) of the contralto Maria Catterina Negri. He accompanied his daughter to Prague during the 1720s when she was engaged to sing for the opera theatre of Count Franz Anton von Sporck. See Daniel Freeman, The Opera Theater of Count Franz Anton von Sporck in Prague, 31 n. 55; 341–2.
Wolfgang Horn identifies the copyist of Mus. 2883-D-2 as ZS 1 from early 1730s). See Zelenka-Studien I, 174.
1. A copy of this setting held in Prague (Národní Muzeum; CZ-Pnm, XXX-A-109). The cover bears the statement ‘Antonio Negri—Beatus vir | Osecky Kláster’.
2. Another setting of Beatus vir, attributed to Cozzi (listed in Zelenka’s Inventarium, 35/7, and in his collection Psalmi varii, Beatus Nr. 9), once kept in the Metropolitan cathedral, Prague (CZ-Pak). Its incipit is almost identical with the incipit of Antonio Negri’s setting of this psalm listed in the Catalogo (1765). See Štefan: COZZI ([309] Sign. 296), prov. Sehling. Scoring for C, A, Vno I II, Vla conc., Org.
Incipit given in Zekenka-Dokumentation, 58, Nr. 130.
On this setting see Stockigt, ‘Vespers Psalms of Jan Dismas Zelenka’, App. 2, 663–4.


Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche.



V. 7 (1902), 167, attributes this work to Luigi Negri, ‘aus Bologna...’

SLB Card Catalog

Negri [Antonio?] [Beatus vir. F dur. Sopran, Alt, Instr.]. Landmann notes that on the title, top right corner, the number ‘11’ has been erased and replaced by Zelenka in darker ink by ‘9.’. In the same ink, there is a note at the bottom: ‘NB Nro 10 habet in Confitebor N 3zo | No.11 in Confitebor N4to | No 12 in Confitebor No 9.’ (this numbering does not correspond with that in Zelenka's Inventarium where, incidentally, this work is also listed only under ‘Negri’, without given names). The only title of this copy, in Zelenka's hand, is on the front page of a grey-blue double envelope (pages 1,2 and final sheet), before the start of the score (p 3) – which is entirely in the hand of Schreiber 1 – there is a remainder of a sheet that has been cut out, which may have been the original title page. – Only a fragment bearing the title label exists of a light-blue envelope of the chapel archive added in the second half of the 18th century. Formerly: Catholic court church.


Score of Beatus vir by Antonio Negri held by SLUB (Mus. 2883-D-2).

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“NEGRI, Luigi,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 29, 2024,