LOTTI, Anto.



LOTTI, Anto.


LOTTI, Antonio (b Hanover 1666–d Venice 1740), [Messe] Kyrie e Gloria, II/L/3/3


Mus. 2159-D-4


LOTTI, Anto.

Uniform Composer

LOTTI, Antonio (b Hanover 1666–d Venice 1740)

Location (1765)

Schranck II; Fach 3; Lage 3



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci con stromenti’

Materials (1765)


Title Partitura

Kyrie e Gloria [Missa Sapientiae]

Uniform Title



Bound score copy.
Label on cover: Missa di Antonio Lotti (red crayon).
Title page (hand of Zelenka): gb | G natural (left) ; No. 30 (right) | Missa Sapientiae | Kyrie à 4 Violin 2 | Viole 2. | Gloria à 5 e 6 | Violin 2 | Viole 2 | Oboe 2 | Tromba Sola | e | Basso Conti. | Lotti.
NB: This incipit agrees with the incipit of an anonymous (now missing?) Messe No. 2, Kyrie e Gloria setting (‘à 5 voci con stromenti’), comprising score and set of parts. See MUSICA SENZA NOME DELL’AUTORE: III/27/2. These now-missing parts either represent materials received by Zelenka, or they indicate that these parts were prepared from the score for performance in Dresden’s Catholic court church.
Horn (Hkm, 129) identifies the copyist as ZS 0 (‘Die wichtigsten Schreiber’, 172). Incipits in Zekenka-Dokumentation, 57, Nr. 122.
1. CZ-Pak, 854. Gloria. Štefan, ([899] Sign. 855), prov. H. Hartig;
2. CZ-Pak, 855. Gloria à 5. Štefan, ([900] Sign. 855), prov. H. Hartig;
3. CZ-Pak, 856. Kyrie. Štefan, ([902] Sign. 856), prov. Hartig.
Jana Vojtéšková (‘Bach, Zelenka a hrabě Hartig’. Hudební věda 31, 2/94, 145–8) demonstrated that Zelenka’s copy of this mass was made from materials now held in Prague, and donated to the Metropolitan cathedral by Zelenka’s one-time patron, Count Hubert Hartig. The Kyrie score ([902] Sign. 857) bears the note: ‘Ex Liberalitate Illmi D: Huberti Comtis de Hartig choro S: Viti donatum’ The Gloria sources ([899] Sign. 854) and ([900] Sign. 855) bear these inscriptions respectively: ‘Ab Illmo Dno Dno Comite de Hartig Metropolite Choro Sancti Viti donatum’, and ‘Ex liberalitate Ill:mi D: Comtis de Hartig choro S: Viti donatum.’
4. CZ-Pkřiž, XXXVI A 114. 36 parts for the Kyrie e Gloria held in the Kreuzherren collection, Prague. Dated ‘1721’. RISM ID no. 550282643.
5. A copy was also held by the Cistercian monastery at Osek, 1754, under the heading ‘Catalogus Missarum pro Stylo moderno producibilium. Missa Solennissimae’ (sub littera A, fol. 6v, No. 81).
NB: Remark in Zelenka’s Inventarium: ‘P’.
A score copy of Zelenka’s version of this work was made by J. S. Bach (and one other) between 1732 and 1735 (D-B Mus. ms. 13161). A further copy (prov. Zelenka) exists in USA (US-CAe: Harvard University, Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library. Shelf No.: Mus 739.850.513). Copies in Handel's hand of sections from this mass are kept in the British Library (RISM ID nos 804002378; 804002379). Ben Byram-Wigfield advises that another source held in the British Library (Additional MS 24297) is an early 18th-century Venetian manuscript (tre lune, 10 staves) of the Kyrie in G minor from the Missa Sapientiae with a different Gloria in F. http://www.rism.org.uk/manuscripts/136702





V. 6 (1902), 226: Lotti, Antonio [...] In Dresden Mus. [...] A 217c Missa sapientiae (K. et Gl.) 5 e 6 voc. 2 V. 2 Viole 2 Ob. Tromba sola e B. Im Archiv der kath. Kirche zu Dresden, Schrank 2 [...] 2 Kyrie et Gloria 4 voc. c. 2 V. Va. Org.

SLB Card Catalog

Lotti. A.: Missa sapientiae. Kyrie a 4 voc. con strom. Gloria a 5 voc. con strom. Part. qu.-4to. Mus.-Mscr.


One score of Kyrie e Gloria by Antonio Lotti held by SLUB. Zelenka’s copy missing in Dresden.

Sort Order



“LOTTI, Anto.,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 29, 2024, http://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/hofkirchecatalogo1765/items/show/3851.