


CAROLI, Angelo Antonio (b Bologna 1701–d Bologna 1778), [Messa] No 2, I/C/8/5


Mus. 2952-D-2



Uniform Composer

CAROLI, Angelo Antonio (b Bologna 1701–d Bologna 1778)

Location (1765)

Schranck I; Fach 8; Lage 5



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci co’ VVni Viola e Basso’

Materials (1765)

Partitura; Parti

Title Partitura

Gloria (abbreviato)

Uniform Title



Score copies (damaged) in two vols. Each is incomplete.
The present source (Mus. 2952-D-2) comprises Gloria (v. 1) and Sanctus (v. 2). Each is in Heinichen’s hand. Parts are missing from Dresden.
Caption title, v. 1 (the setting in G): Gloria (‘abbreviato’) del Sigr Angelo Ant. Caroli Bolognese. ‘32’ [minuten?] is noted at the conclusion of this movement.
This work has no Kyrie setting. (None of the Kyrie settings of Caroli held by SLUB today matches the incipit given in this Catalogo, 1765). The incomplete Gloria, however, is preceded by two bars of manuscript, perhaps the final cadence of the Kyrie?
Caption title, v. 2 (setting in G): Sanctus et Agnus dei; Cavato dal Gloria del Sigr. Angelo Anto Caroli Bo | lognese. The conclusion bears the date: ‘Mense Augusti 1726’.
Horn (Hkm, 125) notes that in this G Major setting Heinichen’s reworking includes not only the addition of Sanctus and Agnus Dei through parody of individual Gloria segments, but also the abbreviation of some passages. On the now lost title page of the source Mus. 2952-D-2 Heinichen remarked: ‘Messa . . . abbreviata e aggiustata all’uso della cappella di Dresda di Giov. Heinichen’ (known from the SLB card catalogue). This remark indicates that, apart from the Gloria, the Kyrie and Credo of this mass existed when it was catalogued by the SLB.


Sächs. Landes-Bibl.


V. 2 (1900), 340: Caroli, Angelo Antonio [...] Messa it 4 v. c. strom. (Gd.) P.

SLB Card Catalog

Two cards: <br />
1. Caroli, Ang. Ant.: Messa a 4 voci con strom. Gdur. Part. u. St. Fussn.: Messa abbreviata e aggiastata all’uso della capella di Dresda di Giov. Heinichen. o. J. 4 Lagen u. 21 St. qu-8 qu.-4to . u.4to . Mus.-Mscr. Stimmen stehen gesondert. Kath. Hof-kirche<br />
2. Caroli, Angelo Antonio: Messa a 4 voci concert. con strom. [Fussnote: Messa abbreviata e aggiastata all’ uso della capella di Dresda di Giov. Heinichen.] mit dessen Hs. Gdur. Part. qu-8 + qu.-4to . Mus.-Mscr.


Score of Messe Nr. 2 by Caroli (Mus. 2952-D-2?) held by SLUB (Incomplete? See card cat. above: ‘4 Lagen’); 21 parts missing from Dresden.

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“CAROLI,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 28, 2024,