


CAROLI, Angelo Antonio (b Bologna 1701–d Bologna 1778), Messa No 1, I/C/8/4


Mus. 2952-D-1,1-3



Uniform Composer

CAROLI, Angelo Antonio (b Bologna 1701–d Bologna 1778)

Location (1765)

Schranck I; Fach 8; Lage 4



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci co’ VVni Viola e Basso’

Materials (1765)

Partitura; Parti

Uniform Title



Unbound score copy in three volumes. Parts are missing from Dresden.
Vol. 1 (-D-1,1): Title page to Kyrie; Gloria (Heinichen’s hand): Missa | à 4 con Strom | [four remarks deleted] | del Sigr. Carli [sic] Bolognese | 1727.
Caption title (Heinichen’s hand): Messa à 4 Concertata Con VV. e R [?] Di Angelo Anto Caroli | (another hand) No. 36 | 2 scudo 1 giul. ‘39’ (minuten?) is written at the conclusion.
Vol. 2 [ Credo: -D-1,2] : Caption title (Heinichen’s hand): Del Sig. Angelo Anto Caroli | (another hand) No. 35 | a 4 giuli. ‘19’ (minuten?) is written at the conclusion of this score.
Vol. 3 [-D-1,3]: Title page (Heinichen’s hand): Sanctus | Agnus Dei. Heinichen’s hand is seen throughout the score. His alterations in red ink include: deletion of an opening orchestral Sinfonia; deletions of sections in the setting; alterations and additions to parts for vn. 1 and vn. 2 (‘una ottava piu Bassa’); rewritings; alterations to the vocal parts and text; addition of oboes in the Credo; indications of simplification of oboe parts.
Horn (Hkm, 125) notes that the two Caroli mass settings in SLUB (among the earliest extant works by this composer) demonstrate the procedure often practised by Heinichen and Zelenka of producing missing parts of the Mass Ordinary by re-texting passages of the existing material. Horn names these constructions ‘Stretched (gestreckte) Masses’.


Sächs. Landes-Bibl.


V. 2 (1900), 340: Caroli, Angelo Antonio [...] Messa à 4 voci c. 2 V. Va. ed org. Ms. in Dresd. kathol. Kirche [...] .

SLB Card Catalog

Two cards: <br />
1. Caroli, Angelo Antonio (Bologne): Messa à 4 voci con Strom. A-moll. [Mit Korrekturen von Heinichens Hand] Part u. St. o. J. 3 Lagen u. 21 St. qu-8vo u. 4to. Mus. Mscr. Stimmen stehen gesondert. Kath. Hofkirche.<br />
2. Caroli, Ang. Ant.: Messa a 4 voci conc. con V.V. e B. [Mit Correct. v. Heinichens Hand]. Amoll. Part. qu-8vo.


Score of Messa a 4 by Caroli (Mus. 2952-D-1,1-3) held by SLUB; 21 parts missing from Dresden.

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“CAROLI,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 28, 2024,