A proper new Ballad, breefely declaring the Death and Execution of I4.
A proper new Ballad, breefely declaring the Death and Execution of I4.
most wicked Traitors, who suffered death in Lincolnes Inne feelde neere London: the 20 and 21. of September. 1586.
Digital Object
Image / Audio Credit
National Library of Scotland - Crawford, Shelfmark: Crawford.EB.1027; EBBA 33717
Set to tune of...
Weep, weep
REjoyce in hart good people all,
sing praise to God on hye:
Which hath preserved us by his power,
from traitors tiranny.
Which now have had their due desarts,
in London lately seen:
And Ballard was the first that died,
for Treason to our Queene.
O praise the Lord with hart and minde,
sing praise with voices cleere:
Sith traiterous crue, have had their due,
to quaile their parteners cheere.
Next, Babington that Caitife vilde,
was hanged for his hier:
His Carkasse likewise quartered,
and Hart cast in the fier.
Was ever seene such wicked troopes,
of Traytors in this Land?
Against the pretious woord of truthe,
and their good Queene to stand?
O praise, etc.
But heer beholde the rage of Rome,
the fruits of Popish plants,
Beholde and see their wicked woorks,
which all good meaning wants.
For Savage also did receave,
like death for his desert:
Which in that wicked enterprise,
should then have doon his part.
O praise, etc.
O cursed catifes void of grace,
will nothing serve your turne,
But to beholde your Cuntries wrack,
in malice while you burne.
And Barnwell thou which went to view,
her grace in each degree:
And how her life might be dispatcht,
thy death we all did see.
O praise, etc.
Confounding shame fall to their share,
and hellish torments sting:
That to the Lords annointed shall,
devise so vile a thing.
O Techburne what bewitched thee?
to have such hate in store:
Against our good and gratious Queene,
that thou must dye therefore.
O praise, etc.
What gaine for Traitors can returne?
if they their wish did win:
Or what preferment should they get,
by this their trecherous sinne.
Though Forraine power love Treason well,
the Traitors they dispise:
And they the first that should sustaine,
the smart of their devise.
O praise, etc.
What cause had Tilney Traitor stout,
or Abbington likewise:
Against the Lords annointed thus,
such mischeef to devise.
But that the Devill inticed them,
such wicked woorks to render:
For which these seven did suffer death,
the twentith of September.
O praise, etc.
Seaven more the next day following,
were drawen from the Tower:
Which were of their confederates,
to dye that instant hower.
The first of them was Salsburie,
and next to him was Dun:
Who did complaine most earnestly,
of proud yong Babington.
O praise, etc.
Both Lords and Knights of hye renowne,
he ment for to displace:
And likewise all our Towers and Townes,
and Cities for to race.
So likewise Jones did much complaine,
of his detested pride:
And shewed how lewdly he did live,
before the time he died.
O Praise etc.
Then Charnock was the next in place,
to taste of bitter death:
And praying unto holy Saints,
he left his vitall breath.
And in like maner Trauers then,
did suffer in that place:
And fearfully he left his life,
with Crossing breast and face.
O praise, etc.
Then Gage was stripped in his shirt,
who up the Lather went:
And sought for to excuse himselfe,
of Treasons falce intent.
And Bellamie the last of all,
did suffer death that daye:
Unto which end God bring all such,
as wish our Queenes decay.
O praise, etc.
O faulce and foule disloyall men,
what person would suppose:
That Clothes of Velvet and of Silke,
should hide such mortall foes.
Or who would think such hidden hate,
in men so faire in sight:
But that the Devill can turne him selfe,
into an Angell bright.
O praise, etc.
But Soveraigne Queene have thou no care,
for God which knoweth all:
Will still maintaine thy royall state,
and give thy foes a fall.
And for thy Grace thy Subjects all,
will make their praiers still:
That never Traitor in this Land,
may have his wicked will.
O praise, etc.
Whose glorious daies in England heere,
the mighty God maintaine:
That long unto thy Subjects Joye,
thy Grace may rule and raigne.
And Lord we pray for Christes sake,
that all thy secret foes:
May come to naught which seeke thy life,
and Englands lasting woes.
O praise the Lord with hart and minde, etc.
The names of 7. Traitors
which were Executed on
Tuesday being the xx
of September
John Ballard Preest.
Anthony Babington.
John Savage.
Robert Barnwell.
Chodicus Techburne.
Charles Tilney.
Edward Abbington.
The names of the other
vij. which were Exe-
cuted on the next
day after.
Thomas Salsbury.
Henry Dun.
Edward Jhones.
John Trauers.
John Charnock.
Robert Gage.
Harman Bellamy.
sing praise to God on hye:
Which hath preserved us by his power,
from traitors tiranny.
Which now have had their due desarts,
in London lately seen:
And Ballard was the first that died,
for Treason to our Queene.
O praise the Lord with hart and minde,
sing praise with voices cleere:
Sith traiterous crue, have had their due,
to quaile their parteners cheere.
Next, Babington that Caitife vilde,
was hanged for his hier:
His Carkasse likewise quartered,
and Hart cast in the fier.
Was ever seene such wicked troopes,
of Traytors in this Land?
Against the pretious woord of truthe,
and their good Queene to stand?
O praise, etc.
But heer beholde the rage of Rome,
the fruits of Popish plants,
Beholde and see their wicked woorks,
which all good meaning wants.
For Savage also did receave,
like death for his desert:
Which in that wicked enterprise,
should then have doon his part.
O praise, etc.
O cursed catifes void of grace,
will nothing serve your turne,
But to beholde your Cuntries wrack,
in malice while you burne.
And Barnwell thou which went to view,
her grace in each degree:
And how her life might be dispatcht,
thy death we all did see.
O praise, etc.
Confounding shame fall to their share,
and hellish torments sting:
That to the Lords annointed shall,
devise so vile a thing.
O Techburne what bewitched thee?
to have such hate in store:
Against our good and gratious Queene,
that thou must dye therefore.
O praise, etc.
What gaine for Traitors can returne?
if they their wish did win:
Or what preferment should they get,
by this their trecherous sinne.
Though Forraine power love Treason well,
the Traitors they dispise:
And they the first that should sustaine,
the smart of their devise.
O praise, etc.
What cause had Tilney Traitor stout,
or Abbington likewise:
Against the Lords annointed thus,
such mischeef to devise.
But that the Devill inticed them,
such wicked woorks to render:
For which these seven did suffer death,
the twentith of September.
O praise, etc.
Seaven more the next day following,
were drawen from the Tower:
Which were of their confederates,
to dye that instant hower.
The first of them was Salsburie,
and next to him was Dun:
Who did complaine most earnestly,
of proud yong Babington.
O praise, etc.
Both Lords and Knights of hye renowne,
he ment for to displace:
And likewise all our Towers and Townes,
and Cities for to race.
So likewise Jones did much complaine,
of his detested pride:
And shewed how lewdly he did live,
before the time he died.
O Praise etc.
Then Charnock was the next in place,
to taste of bitter death:
And praying unto holy Saints,
he left his vitall breath.
And in like maner Trauers then,
did suffer in that place:
And fearfully he left his life,
with Crossing breast and face.
O praise, etc.
Then Gage was stripped in his shirt,
who up the Lather went:
And sought for to excuse himselfe,
of Treasons falce intent.
And Bellamie the last of all,
did suffer death that daye:
Unto which end God bring all such,
as wish our Queenes decay.
O praise, etc.
O faulce and foule disloyall men,
what person would suppose:
That Clothes of Velvet and of Silke,
should hide such mortall foes.
Or who would think such hidden hate,
in men so faire in sight:
But that the Devill can turne him selfe,
into an Angell bright.
O praise, etc.
But Soveraigne Queene have thou no care,
for God which knoweth all:
Will still maintaine thy royall state,
and give thy foes a fall.
And for thy Grace thy Subjects all,
will make their praiers still:
That never Traitor in this Land,
may have his wicked will.
O praise, etc.
Whose glorious daies in England heere,
the mighty God maintaine:
That long unto thy Subjects Joye,
thy Grace may rule and raigne.
And Lord we pray for Christes sake,
that all thy secret foes:
May come to naught which seeke thy life,
and Englands lasting woes.
O praise the Lord with hart and minde, etc.
The names of 7. Traitors
which were Executed on
Tuesday being the xx
of September
John Ballard Preest.
Anthony Babington.
John Savage.
Robert Barnwell.
Chodicus Techburne.
Charles Tilney.
Edward Abbington.
The names of the other
vij. which were Exe-
cuted on the next
day after.
Thomas Salsbury.
Henry Dun.
Edward Jhones.
John Trauers.
John Charnock.
Robert Gage.
Harman Bellamy.
Composer of Ballad
T.D. Thomas Deloney
Method of Punishment
hanging, drawing and quartering
high treason
Execution Location
Lincoln's Inn Field
Printing Location
London, at the Long Shop adioyning vnto Saint Mildreds Churche in the Pultrie by Edward Allde.
Tune Data
Weep, weep (Simpson 1966, pp. 660-61).
“A proper new Ballad, breefely declaring the Death and Execution of I4.,” Execution Ballads, accessed September 9, 2024, https://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/execution-ballads/items/show/855.