Rebellion Rewarded with Justice.
Rebellion Rewarded with Justice.
OR, / The Last farewell of the late Duke of Monmouth which was Beheaded on Tower-Hill on / the 15th of this Instant July 1685. / It is not well for to Rebell, / Against a Gracious Prince, / Let all beware and shun the Snare, / That would be Men of Sence.
Execution of the Duke of Monmouth because of his rebellion against the king.
Set to tune of...
Russell's Farewell
FArewell Farewell deceitful Pride,
for thou hast me betray'd,
Upon vain hopes I here relyed,
when I the Traitor play'd:
Had I not wandred with Lord Grey,
which proves my overthrow,
I never had beheld this day,
to feel the Fatal Blow.
Too much I hearkned to that Crew,
which never did me good,
But now I bid the World adieu,
and here my dearest blood
Must be a Ransome for my Crime,
to pay the Death I owe,
And Justice now has found a time,
to strike the fatal Blow.
Alas! I have not quite forgot
the favour that I found,
When I was in that Helish Plot,
ah! this my soul doth Wound:
That I again should be misled,
into a sea of wooe,
And here I must lay down my head,
unto the fatal Blow.
My proud aspiring heart I find,
has brought me to this thing
Ah! how could I be so unkind
to such a Gracious King:
Which once did interceed for me,
as I in conscience know,
But now pale Death must set me free,
then wellcome fatal Blow.
And now at last I did Rebell,
against him in his Throne,
I was most like an Infidel,
as I may justly own:
But this has wrought my lifes decay,
and final Overthrow,
And Juyice will no longer stay,
but strike the Fatal Blow.
While I did in Rebellion stand,
some lives did you pay full dear,
A sad confusion in the Land
but now I bear a share,
And brought to my deserved doom
whether I would or no,
No Friend I have that will presume,
to stop the fatal Blow.
False Friends alas hath ruin'd me,
and brought me to this place,
And now the sad effect I see,
will end in my disgrace:
My Lady I must leave behind,
and my sweet Babes in wooe.
For Destiny hath now design'd
for me the fatal Blow:
And now my last and dying Speech,
is to advise you all,
Both friends and Foes I do beseech,
be warned by my fall:
Let Loyolty your actions Crown,
then you'l be free from woe,
And now I willingly lye down,
come strike the fatal Blow.
for thou hast me betray'd,
Upon vain hopes I here relyed,
when I the Traitor play'd:
Had I not wandred with Lord Grey,
which proves my overthrow,
I never had beheld this day,
to feel the Fatal Blow.
Too much I hearkned to that Crew,
which never did me good,
But now I bid the World adieu,
and here my dearest blood
Must be a Ransome for my Crime,
to pay the Death I owe,
And Justice now has found a time,
to strike the fatal Blow.
Alas! I have not quite forgot
the favour that I found,
When I was in that Helish Plot,
ah! this my soul doth Wound:
That I again should be misled,
into a sea of wooe,
And here I must lay down my head,
unto the fatal Blow.
My proud aspiring heart I find,
has brought me to this thing
Ah! how could I be so unkind
to such a Gracious King:
Which once did interceed for me,
as I in conscience know,
But now pale Death must set me free,
then wellcome fatal Blow.
And now at last I did Rebell,
against him in his Throne,
I was most like an Infidel,
as I may justly own:
But this has wrought my lifes decay,
and final Overthrow,
And Juyice will no longer stay,
but strike the Fatal Blow.
While I did in Rebellion stand,
some lives did you pay full dear,
A sad confusion in the Land
but now I bear a share,
And brought to my deserved doom
whether I would or no,
No Friend I have that will presume,
to stop the fatal Blow.
False Friends alas hath ruin'd me,
and brought me to this place,
And now the sad effect I see,
will end in my disgrace:
My Lady I must leave behind,
and my sweet Babes in wooe.
For Destiny hath now design'd
for me the fatal Blow:
And now my last and dying Speech,
is to advise you all,
Both friends and Foes I do beseech,
be warned by my fall:
Let Loyolty your actions Crown,
then you'l be free from woe,
And now I willingly lye down,
come strike the fatal Blow.
Method of Punishment
Execution Location
Tower Hill
Printing Location
Printed for J. Deacon, at the Angel in Guilt-Spur-Street without Newgate.
“Rebellion Rewarded with Justice.,” Execution Ballads, accessed March 16, 2025,