Suki Ali


Suki Ali


Image used with author's permission. Photograph credit to Suki Ali.

Birth Date




Primary Sources

Ali, S. (2022). Managing racism? Race equality and decolonial educational futures. The British Journal of Sociology, 73(5), 923-941.

Ali, S. (2020). Mixed-race, post-race: Gender, new ethnicities and cultural practices. Routledge.

Ali, S. (2014). Governing multicultural populations and family life. The British Journal of Sociology, 65(1), 82-106.

Ali, S., Mirza, H., Phoenix, A., & Ringrose, J. (2014). Intersectionality, Black British feminism and resistance in education: A roundtable discussion. In J. Ringrose (ed.), Rethinking Gendered Regulations and Resistances in Education (pp. 53-67). Routledge.

Ali, S. (2014). Multicultural families: Deracializing transracial adoption. Critical Social Policy, 34(1), 66-89.

Ali, S. (2012). 12 Situating mixed race politics. In Edwards, R., Ali, S., Caballero, C., & Song, M. (Eds.), International perspectives on racial and ethnic mixedness and mixing, 169. Routledge.

Ali, S., Coate, K., & wa Goro, W. (Eds.). (2000). Global feminist politics: identities in a changing world. Psychology Press.

Secondary Sources

Edwards, R., Ali, S., Caballero, C., & Song, M. (Eds.). (2012). International perspectives on racial and ethnic mixedness and mixing. Routledge.

Extra Resources

Ali, Suki, and Aisling Sweeney. (December 9, 2015). "Discussing gender: an interview with Dr Suki Ali." Researching Sociology, LSE. Accessed July 30 2022.


“Suki Ali,” Decoloniality, First Nations Thinkers and thought and practices from the Global South, accessed December 27, 2024,

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