Farhana Sultana
Farhana Sultana
Image used with permission, all rights remain with author. Photograph credit to Syracuse University.
United States of America
Primary Sources
Sultana, F. (Ed.). (2024). Confronting Climate Coloniality: Decolonizing Pathways for Climate Justice (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003465973
Sultana, F. (2023). Political ecology III: Praxis - doing, undoing, and being in radical political ecology research. Progress in Human Geography, 47(5), 728-737. https://doi.org/10.1177/03091325231157360Sultana, F. (2023). Whose growth in whose planetary boundaries? Decolonising planetary justice in the Anthropocene. Geo: Geography and Environment, 10(2), e00128. https://doi.org/10.1002/geo2.128
Sultana, F. (2022). Critical climate justice. The Geographical Journal, 188(1), 118-124. https://rgs-ibg.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/geoj.12417
Sultana, F. (2022). Resplendent care-full climate revolutions. Political Geography, 99(1), 102638. Accessed November 7, 2023. https://www.farhanasultana.com/wp-content/uploads/Sultana-Resplendent-Climate-Revolutions-2022.pdf
Sultana, F. (2022). The unbearable heaviness of climate coloniality. Political Geography, 99, 102638.
Sultana, F. (2021). Climate change, COVID-19, and the co-production of injustices: a feminist reading of overlapping crises. Social & Cultural Geography, 22(4), 447-460. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14649365.2021.1910994
Sultana, F. (2019). Decolonizing development education and the pursuit of social justice. Human Geography, 12(3), 31-46. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/194277861901200305
Sultana, F., & Loftus, A. (Eds.). (2013). The right to water: Politics, governance and social struggles. Routledge.
Sultana, F. (2011). Suffering for water, suffering from water: Emotional geographies of resource access, control and conflict. Geoforum, 42(2), 163-172. Accessed June 7, 2022. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016718510001442?casa_token=tU9HYBwvsW0AAAAA:_F93meC6bt5bZBys9ihN73HK9ySl6E_HOodc57DP5FfIPbzfTYKcTTouA9ZJbNQCKE4hjY9k4ws
Secondary Sources
Jones, R., Kocher, A., Sultana, F., Smiles, D., McSweeney, K., & Molnar, P. (2024). Interventions on public geographies. Political Geography, 111, 103007. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2023.103007
Solnit, R., Lutunatabua, T. Y., Solnit, D., & Sultana, F. (2023). Decolonizing Climate Coloniality. In Not Too Late: Changing the Climate Story from Despair to Possibility (pp. 58-65). https://experts.syr.edu/en/publications/decolonizingclimate-colonialityMikulewicz, M., Caretta, M. A., Sultana, F., & J. W. Crawford, N. (2023). Intersectionality & Climate Justice: A call for synergy in climate change scholarship. Environmental Politics, 32(7), 1275–1286. https://doi.org/10.1080/09644016.2023.2172869
Crow, B., & Sultana, F. (2002). Gender, class, and access to water: Three cases in a poor and crowded delta. Society &Natural Resources, 15(8), 709-724. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08941920290069308
Extra Resources
Dr Farhana Sultana. Website. Accessed November 22, 2023. https://www.farhanasultana.com/
Huq, S. & Sultana, F. (2023, November 1). 'In 2023 we’ve seen climate destruction in real time, yet rich countries are poised to do little at Cop28'. The Guardian. Accessed November 22, 2023. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/nov/01/climate-destruction-rich-countries-cop28
From Climate Coloniality to Climate Revolutions with Farhana Sultana. (2023, September 14). SciencexMedia at Global Development. Youtube. Accessed November 22, 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVfwYs4AWRk
Farhana Sultana: “Decolonizing Climate Coloniality”. (2022, December 1). Futures of Sustainability, Universität Hamburg. Youtube. Accessed November 22, 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ4fIVCP4eQ
"A Feminist Approach to Climate Justice" Dr. Farhana Sultana. (2022, March 29). Security in Context. Youtube. Accessed November 22, 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VavdUNjJdo
Huq, S. & Sultana, F. (2023, November 1). 'In 2023 we’ve seen climate destruction in real time, yet rich countries are poised to do little at Cop28'. The Guardian. Accessed November 22, 2023. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/nov/01/climate-destruction-rich-countries-cop28
From Climate Coloniality to Climate Revolutions with Farhana Sultana. (2023, September 14). SciencexMedia at Global Development. Youtube. Accessed November 22, 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVfwYs4AWRk
Farhana Sultana: “Decolonizing Climate Coloniality”. (2022, December 1). Futures of Sustainability, Universität Hamburg. Youtube. Accessed November 22, 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ4fIVCP4eQ
"A Feminist Approach to Climate Justice" Dr. Farhana Sultana. (2022, March 29). Security in Context. Youtube. Accessed November 22, 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VavdUNjJdo
“Farhana Sultana,” Decoloniality, First Nations Thinkers and thought and practices from the Global South, accessed December 27, 2024, https://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/decoloniality-and-thinkers-from-the-global-south/items/show/646.