Gerald Taiaiake Alfred


Gerald Taiaiake Alfred


Photo supplied by the author with permission to upload. Photograph credit to Ashley Seymour.

Birth Date



Kahnawà:ke Mohawk Territory, Turtle Island

Primary Sources

Alfred, T. (2023). It's All about the Land: Collected Talks and Interviews on Indigenous Resurgence, Rogers, A (Ed)., Foreword Pamela Palmater, Introduction by Ann Rogers, forthcoming. University of Toronto Press.

Alfred, T. (2017). It’s all about the land. In McFarlane, P. and Schabus, N.(Eds.), Whose land is it anyway: A manual for decolonization (pp. 10–13). Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC. Accessed Aug 24, 2022.

Barker, B., Alfred, G. T., & Kerr, T. (2014). An uncaring state? The overrepresentation of First Nations children in the Canadian child welfare system. Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ), 186(14), 533-5.

McKegney, S., & Alfred, T. (2014). Reimagining warriorhood: A conversation with Taiaiake Alfred. In S. McKegney (Ed.), Masculindians: Conversations about indigenous manhood (pp. 76–86). University of Manitoba Press.

Alfred, T. (2015). Cultural strength: Restoring the place of indigenous knowledge in practice and policy. Australian Aboriginal Studies, 1, 3–11. Accessed Aug 24, 2022

Alfred, T. (2010). Then and Now, For the Land. Socialist Studies, 6(1), 93–95.

Alfred, T. (2009). Peace, power, righteousness: An indigenous manifesto. 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press. Accessed Aug 24, 2022.

Alfred, T., & Corntassel, J. (2005). Being Indigenous: Resurgences against contemporary colonialism. Government and Opposition, 40(4), 597–614.

Secondary Sources

Oksanen, A.-A. (2020). The Rise of Indigenous (Pluri-)Nationalism: The Case of the Sámi People. Sociology, 54(6), 1141–1158.

Dhillon, J. (2018). Introduction: Indigenous Resurgence, Decolonization, and Movements for Environmental Justice. Environment and Society, 9, 1–6.

Poupart, L. (2007). Review of Wasáse: Indigenous Pathways of Action and Freedom, by T. Alfred. Wicazo Sa Review, 22(1), 131–134.

Extra Resources

Alfred, T. (2022). Taiaiake: Indigenous resurgent. Accessed Aug 24, 2022.

Taiaiake Alfred: What can universities do to support indigenous resurgence? YouTube, Concordia University., May 1 2015, Accessed Aug 24, 2022.

Anthony, T., Webb, R., Sherwood, J., Blagg, H., and Deckert, A. (2021) In Defence of Decolonisation: a response to Southern Criminology, The BSC Blog, British Society of Criminology, Nov 9 2021, Accessed Aug 24, 2022.

Geralkd Taiaiake Alfred, Resurgence of Traditional Ways of Being: Indigenous Path of Action and Freedom, Feb 20, 2015, YouTube, Accessed Aug 24, 2022.


“Gerald Taiaiake Alfred,” Decoloniality, First Nations Thinkers and thought and practices from the Global South, accessed September 12, 2024,

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