Simón Huarachi Yampara


Simón Huarachi Yampara


Aymara, Bolivia

Primary Sources

Yampara Huarachi, S (2011). Andean Conviviality. Living and Living Together in Integral Harmony - Suma Qamaña, Bolivian Studies Journal, 18(1):1-22.

Andean Cosmovivencia. Living and living together in integral harmony - Suma Qamaña

Yampara Huarachi, S. (1985). Adopt The Capitalist Path Or The Andean Community Path?, Themes In The Crisis (La Paz), 24, 13-16.

Yampara Huarachi, S. (1985). Aymara Understanding Of The Land-Territory In The Andean Cosmovision And Its Ordering For The Qamaña, Inti-Pacha, 1(7): 17.

Secondary Sources

Saavedra, J. L. (2010).“Around the Thought of the Aymara Intellectual Simón Yampara, Political Reflection, 12(24), 52-59.

Saavedra, J. L. (2010). Qulla Thought. The Insurgency Of The Contemporary Aymara Intelligentsia. Doctoral dissertation, Simón Bolívar Andean University. Accessed 27 Feb, 2023..

Extra Resources

"History Conjuncture And Decolonization, Katarism And Indianism In The Political Process Of The MAS In Bolivia". Presentation by R. Conde, J. L. Saavedra, S.Yampara Huarachi, and F. Quispe Huanca. Sept, 2014, YouTube, Accessed 27 Feb, 2023.


“Simón Huarachi Yampara,” Decoloniality, First Nations Thinkers and thought and practices from the Global South, accessed December 27, 2024,

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