Yulia Gradskova
Primary Sources
Gradskova, Y. (2024). “With the help of the great Russian people”: The (invisible) whiteness of Soviet anti-colonialism and gender emancipation from Central Asia to Khartoum. In Backer, C., Iacab, B Imre., A. and Mark, J. (Eds.) Off White Racism, Resistance and Social Change, (pp.198–214). Manchestor University Press. https://doi.org/10.7765/9781526172211.00016
Gradskova, Y. (2024). The Palgrave Handbook of Communist Women Activists around the World. Ed. by Francisca de Haan. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham 2023. International Review of Social History, 69(1), 170–174. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020859024000166
Gradskova, Y. (2023). Maternalism and new imperialism in Russia: “good mothers” for a militarizing state—expectations, implications, and resistances. Frontiers in Sociology, 8. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsoc.2023.1192822
Gradskova, Y. (2021). The "Woman of the East" and Soviet Orientalism: Reviewing the Soviet story on the "emancipation" of women in Azerbaijan in the 1920s-1930s. Kafkasya çalışmaları (SI), 1-22Gradskova, Y. (2019). A Decolonial Perspective: Writing The “Other” Women Into Soviet Gender History. In Kulawik, T., and Kravchenko, Z (Eds.) Borderlands In European Gender Studies: Beyond East-West Frontier (Pp. 108-125). London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429290435
Gradskova, Y. (2018). Women, Memory, And Resistance: Dealing With The Soviet Past In The Volga-Ural Region. In Clowes, E., Erbslöh, G., and Kkobobo, A (Eds) Russia's Regional Identities (Pp. 248-263). Routledge.
Gradskova, Y. (2007). Soviet People With Female Bodies: Performing Beauty And Maternity In Soviet Russia In The Mid 1930-1960s (Doctoral Dissertation, Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis).