Sophie Chao


Sophie Chao


Image used with permission, all rights remain with the author. Photograph credit to Jacques Chao.


Chinese-French, working out of Australia

Primary Sources

Chao, S (2022) In the Shadow of the Palms: More-than-Human Becoming in West Papua, Durham: Duke University Press, ISBN: 978-1-4780-1824-7.

Chao, S., Bolender, K., and Kirksey E., (2022) The promise of multispecies justice. Durham: Duke University Press.

Chao, S., & Enari, D. (2021). Decolonising Climate Change: A Call for Beyond-Human Imaginaries and Knowledge Generation. ETropic: Electronic Journal of Studies in the Tropics, 20(2), 32–54.

Chao, S. (2021). Can There Be Justice Here?. Borderlands Journal, 20(1), 11-48. Accessed December 7, 2022.

Chao, Sophie. (2021). Gastrocolonialism: the intersections of race, food, and development in West Papua. The International Journal of Human Rights. 26. 1-22.

Chao, S. (2021). We are (not) monkeys: contested cosmopolitical symbols in West Papua. American Ethnologist, 48(3), 274-287.

Secondary Sources

Rahman, S. (2023). In the Shadow of the Palms: More-Than-Human Becomings in West Papua by Sophie Chao (review). Journal of Southeast Asian Economies (JSEAE), 39(3), 343–345.

Colchester, M., & Chao, S. (2015). Conflict or consent?: The oil palm sector at a crossroads. The Forest Peoples Programme.

Extra Resources

Sophie Chao More Than Human website, Accessed Dec 14 2022.

The Familiar Strange · Ep #59 The Palm Oil Frontier: Sophie Chao & Walking the Forest with the Marind People Accessed December 14 2022.



“Sophie Chao,” Decoloniality, First Nations Thinkers and thought and practices from the Global South, accessed September 12, 2024,

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