Cammi Webb-Gannon


Cammi Webb-Gannon


Image used with permission, all rights remain with the author. Photograph credit to Cammi Webb-Gannon.



Primary Sources

Webb-Gannon, C. (2022). #Papuanlivesmatter: How A Narrative of Racism Has Elevated West Papua’s Decolonisation Movement. The International Journal of Human Rights.

Webb-Gannon C.(2022) Sovereignty and the Limits of Indigenous Rights in West Papua, The Polnesian Society, 131(3), 235-260. Accessed Jan 12, 2023.

Webb-Gannon C. (2021) Morning Star Rising: The Politics of Decolonization in West Papua, University of Hawaii Press, ISBN-13: 9780824887872.

Webb-Gannon C. (2020) Civilian resistance and the failure of the Indonesian counterinsurgency campaign in nduga, west papua, Contemporary Southeast Asia, 42(2), 276-301,

Webb-Gannon C. and Webb, M (2020) Decolonization, popular song and Black-Pacific identity in Melanesia, Media, Culture and Society, 42(1),142-151

Webb-Gannon C. Webb, M and Solis, G (2018) The" Black pacific" and decolonisation in Melanesia: Performing'negritude and indigenitude', The Journal of the Polynesian Society 127 (2), 177-206

Secondary Sources

Elmslie, J., Webb-Gannon, C. & King, P. (2011). Anatomy of an Occupation: The Indonesian Military in West Papua. University of Sydney: West Papua Project. Accessed Jan 12, 2023

Extra Resources

Radio Interview: Decolonising West Papua, June 22, 2021, 3CR 855AM, Accessed August 24, 2022.

2023: News Article: Benar News, Indonesia Protests Fiji PM’s Meeting with Papua Independence Figure, March 1,

West Papua is on the verge of another bloody crackdown, Co-authors: Elmslie J, Webb-Gannon C, and Kareni, R.May 27, 2021 The Conversation, Accessed August 24, 2022.



“Cammi Webb-Gannon,” Decoloniality, First Nations Thinkers and thought and practices from the Global South, accessed September 12, 2024,

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