Ian Anderson


Ian Anderson

Birth Date




Primary Sources

Anderson, I., Robson, B., Connolly, M., et al.(2016)
Indigenous and tribal peoples' health, a population study. Lancet. 2016, 388, 131-157, 

Anderson, I. (2016), Indigenous Australians and Higher Education: The Contemporary Policy Agenda, A. Harvey et al. (eds.), In Student Equity in Australian Higher Education, 221–239. DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0315-8_13

Anderson, I. (2009). Close the Gap: National Indigenous Health Equality Council. Medical Journal of Australia, 190(10), 546. 
https://doi.org/10.5694/j.1326-5377.2009. tb02558.x

Anderson, I., & Loff, B. (2004). Voices lost: Indigenous health and human rights in Australia. Lancet , 364 (9441), 1281–1282. ISSN 0099-5355 

Anderson, L., Singh, M., Stehbens, C., & Ryerson, L. (1998). Equity issues: every university’s concern, whose business?: an exploration of universities’ inclusion of Indigenous peoples’ rights and interests. Accessed March 1, 2023. 

Anderson I. (1989). Black Bit White Bit, In I. Anderson, M. Grossman, M. Langton & A. Moreton-Robinson (Eds.), Blacklines: Contemporary critical writing by Indigenous Australians (pp. 43–57). Carlton: Melbourne University Press.

Secondary Sources

Pechenkina, E, & Anderson, I. (2016). Background paper on Indigenous Australian higher education: Trends, initiatives and policy implications. 10.13140/RG.2.1.2035.2087. Accessed July 22, 2022. 

Mamtora, J., Ovaska, C., & Mathiesen, B. (2021). Reconciliation in Australia: The academic library empowering the Indigenous community. IFLA Journal, 47(3), 351–360.  

McDermott R, Thompson S, Weeramanthri T, Connors C, Anderson I, Nagel T, Scrimgeour DJ, Rowley K, Semmens J, Shannon C, Si D, Bailie R, Burke H, Moore E, Leon D, Weston R, Grogan H, Stanley A, & Gardner K. (2010). Study protocol: national research partnership to improve primary health care performance and outcomes for Indigenous peoples. BMC Health Services Research, 10(1), 129. 

Paradies, Y., Ricci Harris, R., and Anderson, I., (2009) The impact of racism on Indigenous health in Australia and Aotearoa: towards a research agenda. Casuarina, Northern Territory: Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal Health,

Baum Fran, Street Jackie, & Anderson Ian PS. (2009). Is peer review useful in assessing research proposals in Indigenous health? A case study. Health Research Policy and Systems, 7(1), 2.  

Street, J., Baum, F, and Anderson, I (2008) Making research relevant: grant assessment processes in Indigenous research, Casuarina, N. T.: Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal Health.

McMahon, E. (2007). Psychiatry at the frontier: surveying Aboriginal mental health in the era of assimilation, Aboriginal Health and History. Anderson, Ian P. S. and Humphery, K. (Eds). Health and History, 9(2), 22–47.

Otim, M., Anderson, I and Scott. I (Eds).(2004) Economics and Indigenous Australian health policy, Parkville, Vic.: VicHealth Koori Health Research & Community Development Unit. ISBN 0734030274.

Extra Resources

#CloseTheGap: Professor Ian Anderson's passion for Indigenous Health, La Trobe University, Accessed Dec, 7 2022.




“Ian Anderson,” Decoloniality, First Nations Thinkers and thought and practices from the Global South, accessed September 12, 2024, https://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/decoloniality-and-thinkers-from-the-global-south/items/show/161.

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