Low Battery


Low Battery




This image shows a computer monitor with multiple windows open showing news articles about climate change, racism and a count of the coronavirus. The corner of the monitor shows the battery running low. A bottle of alcohol accompanies the computer, held by someone.
These multiple windows depict the current injustices and issues going on in our world. They have been placed on the screen this way to make it look cluttered, giving a sense of panic and being overwhelmed by these bad news. The image of the battery running low is meant to represent a lack of energy and tiredness in response to these news. Alcohol is often correlated with depression and sadness, which is why I included this in the image.


University of Melbourne. Students from Community Based Participatory Research subject, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health.


Semester 1, 2020


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Low Battery, University of Melbourne. Students from Community Based Participatory Research subject, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health., Semester 1, 2020