





Self-regulating study and time-management are huge parts of being a university student- and I have realised how important these skills are since I started studying from home. Whilst I have always planned out my days and used lists to stay on top of tasks, I have started including daily activities in my plans to ensure that I maintain a good study-leisure balance, as it is sometimes difficult to separate the two when you are not leaving the house. Little things such as zoom meetings to chat to friends, walks with my brother and breaks on these “timetables” are the small things I look forward to when I’m stuck at my desk all day.


University of Melbourne. Students from Community Based Participatory Research subject, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health.


Semester 1, 2020


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Lists, University of Melbourne. Students from Community Based Participatory Research subject, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health., Semester 1, 2020