Browse Items (3 total)

130.0017 Memorial relief for Hall of Honour for those who fell in the First World War, Forst an der Weinstrasse, photo by Joachim Specht IMG_8166.jpeg
Large stone relief sculpture of Christ blessing two kneeling soldiers.

130.0016 Grünstadt war memorial, photo from Joachim Specht IMG_8016.jpeg
Depicts Christ kneeling to support the limp body of a fallen German soldier in a pieta type composition. Christ notably has ringlets either side of his face, akin to Orthodox Jewish payots.

130.0023 model for a war memorial, detail.png
Maquette for a memorial, presumably for the Franco-Prussian war as the date of 1871 is visible. Comprising an equestrian group with a figure of a male warrior, naked other than for an olive garland in his hair and a flowing fluted cape, sitting…
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