Ramón Grosfoguel
Dublin Core
Ramón Grosfoguel
Sociology, Decoloniality
Person Item Type Metadata
Birth Date
Peurto Rico
Grosfoguel, R., Hernández, R. and Velásquez, E.R. (Eds.) (2016). Decolonizing the westernized university: interventions in philosophy of education from within and without. Lexington Books.
Grosfoguel, R. (2013). The structure of knowledge in westernised universities: Epistemic racism/sexism and the four genocides/epistemicides. Human Architecture: Journal of the sociology of self-knowledge, 1(1), 73-90.
Grosfoguel, R. (2013). The structure of knowledge in westernised universities: Epistemic racism/sexism and the four genocides/epistemicides. Human Architecture: Journal of the sociology of self-knowledge, 1(1), 73-90.
Grosfugel, R. (2012). Decolonising Western uni-versalisms: Decolonial Pluri-versalism from Aimé Cesaire to the Zapatistas Transmodernity.
Grosfoguel, R. , Maldonado-Torres, N. and Saldıvar, Jose´ D. (2005). ‘Latin@s and the Euro-American Menace: The Decolonization of the US Empire in the 21st Century’. In Latin@s in the World-System. Paradigm Press.
Grosfoguel, R. (2005). Subaltern epistemologies, decolonial imaginaries and the redefinition of global capitalism. Review, 28.
Grosfoguel, R. (2003). Colonial subjects: Puerto Ricans in a global perspective. Univ of California Press.
Grosfoguel, R., & Cervantes-Rodríguez, A. M. (Eds.). (2002). The modern/colonial/capitalist world-system in the twentieth century: Global processes, antisystemic movements, and the geopolitics of knowledge. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.
Secondary Text
Mignolo, W. D., & Escobar, A. (Eds.). (2013). Globalization and the decolonial option. Routledge.
https://www.routledge.com/Globalization-and-the-Decolonial-Option/Mignolo-Escobar/p/book/ 978041 5848732Cervantes-Rodriguez, M., Grosfoguel, R., & Mielants, E. H. (Eds.). (2008). Caribbean migration to Western Europe and the United States: Essays on incorporation, identity, and citizenship. Temple University Press.
Extra Resources
Another World Is Possible. (2019, January 16). YouTube. Accessed by December 1, 2022.
“Ramón Grosfoguel,” Mapping Social Theory and Sociology, accessed March 17, 2025, https://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/mapping-social-theory-and-sociology/items/show/472.