Louis Althusser
Dublin Core
Louis Althusser
"Louis Althusser sketch" from Arutro Espinosa is licensed under CC BY 2.0. Available from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Louis_Althusser_sketch_(8420987781).jpg
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Birth Date
Death Date
Althusser, L. (2016). Psychoanalysis and the human sciences. Columbia University Press. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.7312/alth17764-003/html
Althusser, L., Balibar, E., Macherey, P., Rancière, J., & Establet, R. (2016). Reading capital: The complete edition. Verso Books.
https://www.versobooks.com/books/2042-reading-capitalAlthusser, L. (2014). On the reproduction of capitalism: Ideology and ideological state apparatuses. Verso Books. https://www.versobooks.com/books/1495-on-the-reproduction-of-capitalism
Althusser, L. (2008). On Ideology. Versa.
Althusser, L. (1996). For Marx. Translated by Ben. Brewster. New York: Verso.
Secondary Text
Levine, A. (2003). A Future for Marxism? Althusser, the Analytical Turn and Revival of Socialist Theory. London; Stirling, VA: Pluto. https://www.plutobooks.com/9780745319872/a-future-for-marxism/
Marshall, B. (1994). The Althusserian Legacy. In Engendering Modernity: Feminism, Social Theory and Social Change. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Marshall, B. (1994). The Althusserian Legacy. In Engendering Modernity: Feminism, Social Theory and Social Change. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Harnecker, M. (1994). Althusser and the “theoretical antihumanism” of Marx. Nature, Society, and Thought, 7, 325-39.
Patton, P. (1978). Althusser’s epistemology: The limits of the theory of theoretical practice. Radical Philosophy, 19, 8-18.
Extra Resources
Louis Althusser. Internet Archive. Accessed August 1, 2022.
Louis Althusser: The Crisis of Marxism, interview, YouTube, April 30 1980. Host: Renato Parascandolo Translation: Ron Salaj (corrections by YouTube user "dovic"). (2017, July 12). Youtube. Accessed August 1 2022. https://youtu.be/feepQg_Dx7U?t=70
Lewis, W. (2009, October 16). "Louis Althusser". In Edward N. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Accessed August 1, 2022.
Louis Althusser: The Crisis of Marxism, interview, YouTube, April 30 1980. Host: Renato Parascandolo Translation: Ron Salaj (corrections by YouTube user "dovic"). (2017, July 12). Youtube. Accessed August 1 2022. https://youtu.be/feepQg_Dx7U?t=70
Lewis, W. (2009, October 16). "Louis Althusser". In Edward N. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Accessed August 1, 2022.
“Louis Althusser,” Mapping Social Theory and Sociology, accessed March 17, 2025, https://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/mapping-social-theory-and-sociology/items/show/407.