Arthur Frank

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Arthur Frank

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Frank, Arthur W.(2022)  King Lear: Shakespeare's Dark Consolations. Oxford University Press.

Frank, Arthur W. (2016). Truth Telling, Companionship, and Witness: An Agenda for Narrative Ethics. The Hastings Center Report46(3), 17–21.

Frank, Arthur W. (2010). Letting stories breathe: A socio-narratology. University of Chicago Press, 

Frank, A.(2007) Through a painted window: On narrative, medicine, and method. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 6,(3), 121-139.

Frank, Arthur, (2004). The Renewal of Generosity: Illness, Medicine, and How to Live. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 

Frank, Arthur, (2004) Emily Scars: Surgical Shapings, Technoluxe, and Bioethics. The Hastings Center Report,  34(2), 18-29. Accessed Aug 12, 2022.

Frank, Arthur. (1995) The Wounded Storyteller: Body, Illness, and Ethics. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Accessed Aug 12, 2022

Frank, Arthur. (1991) At the Will of the Body: Reflections on Illness. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Accessed Aug 12, 2022 .

Frank, A. (1991) For a Sociology of the Body: An Analytical Review, in M. Featherstone , M. Hepworth and B.S. Turner (eds) The Body: Social Process and Cultural TheoryLondonSage.

Secondary Text

Lekhtsier, V. (2020). Coming Out in the “Remission Society”: To Arthur Frank’s Theory of Testimony (in Russian). Topos: Journal for Philosophical and Cultural Studies, 1, 111–136.

Baena, R. (2017). Narrative empathy and illness memoirs: Arthur Frankʼs At the Will of the Body and Kathlyn Conwayʼs Ordinary Life. 
Medical Humanities43(3), 177–184.

Neile, C. S.(2013) Our Stories, Our Companions: A Conversation with Arthur W. Frank. Storytelling, Self, Society, 9(2), 261–276. 

Extra Resources

Arthur Frank University of Calgary Profile. Accessed March 7, 2023.

Arthur Frank talks with Ashley Barnwell and Signe Ravn, Episode Ten, Narrative Now. Dec 2022. Accessed March 7, 2023.

 The Limits, Dangers, and Absolute Indispensability of Stories -- Arthur W. Frank. (2016, July 7). Youtube. Accessed March 7, 2023.