George Steinmetz

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George Steinmetz

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Birth Date



Social Theory, Historical Sociology and Philosophy of Social Science


Steinmetz, G. (2023). The Colonial Origins of Modern Social Thought: French Sociology and the Overseas Empire. Princeton University Press. Accessed August 10, 2023.

Steinmetz, G. (2023). American Sociology in A “De-Civilizing” Moment: The End of “Normalcy”? The American Sociologist, 1–10.

Steinmetz, G. (2022). The history of sociology as disciplinary self-reflexivity. The Palgrave handbook of the history of human sciences, 833-864. Accessed Aug 6 2023.

Steinmetz, G. (2020). American Sociology and Colonialism, 1890s–1960s. American Journal of Sociology, 21(6), 775. 

Steinmetz, G. (2018). Scientific Autonomy, Academic Freedom, and Social Research in the United States. Critical Historical Studies5(2), 281–310.

Steinmetz, George (Ed.) (2013). Sociology and Empire: The Imperial Entaglements of a Discipline. Duke University Press.

Steinmetz, George. (2007). The Devils Handwritting: Precoloniality and the German Colonial State in Qingdao, Samoa, and Southwest Africa. University of Chicago Press.
Steinmetz, George (Ed). (2005). The Politics of Method in the Human Sciences: Positivism and its Epistemological Others. Duke University Press.

Steinmetz, George (Ed). (1999). State and Culture: State-Formation after the Cultural Turn. Cornell University Press.

Secondary Text

Fassin, Didier and Steinmetz, George (2023) The social sciences in the looking glass studies in the production of knowledge, Durham: Duke University Press.  

Extra Resources

How and Why We Write the History of Social Sciences, Friends Talk, Institute for Advanced Study,  March 20, 2018 YouTube,
Acessed 20, Jan 2023.

Directors: George Steinmetz,  and Michael Chanan, Detroit: Ruin of a City (2005) Documentary,