Audrey Yue

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Dublin Core


Audrey Yue

Person Item Type Metadata



Biographical Text

Yue, A., Nekmat, E., & Beta, A. R. (2019). Digital literacy through digital citizenship: Online civic participation and public opinion evaluation of youth minorities in Southeast Asia. Media and Communication, 7(2), 100-114.

Martin, F., Erni, J. N., & Yue, A. (2019). (Im) mobile precarity in the Asia-Pacific. Cultural Studies, 33(6), 895-914.

Yue, A. (2018). Mobilities, Communication, and Asia| Media, Mobility, and Resilience Among Diasporic Young People. International Journal of Communication, 12, 21.

Yue, A. (2017). Trans-Singapore: Some notes towards queer Asia as method. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 18(1), 10-24.

Yue, A. (2012). Queer Singapore: A critical introduction. Queer Singapore: Illiberal citizenship and mediated cultures, 1-25.

Yue, A. (2012). Queer Asian mobility and homonational modernity: Marriage equality, Indian students in Australia and Malaysian transgender refugees in the media. Global Media and Communication, 8(3), 269-287.

Yue, A. (2008). Same-sex migration in Australia: From interdependency to intimacy. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 14(2-3), 239-262.

Yue, A. (2007). Hawking in the creative city: rice rhapsody, sexuality and the cultural politics of New Asia in Singapore. Feminist Media Studies, 7(4), 365-380.

Secondary Text

Chare, N., Hoorn, J., & Yue, A. (Eds.). (2019). Re-reading the monstrous-feminine: Art, film, feminism and psychoanalysis. Routledge.

Yue, A., & Zubillaga-Pow, J. (Eds.). (2012). Queer Singapore: Illiberal citizenship and mediated cultures (Vol. 1). Hong Kong University Press.

Extra Resources

Audrey Yue, Conjunctions of Resilience and the COVID-19 Crisis of the Creative Cultural Industries. (2021, September 22). NUS Graduate School. Youtube. Accessed August 22, 2022.
