Jeremy Seabrook

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Jeremy Seabrook

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Birth Date





Seabrook, J. (2020). The age of the incendiarist. Race & Class, 61(3), 92-98.

Seabrook, J. (2016). Cut out: Living without welfare. London: Pluto Press.

Seabrook, J. (2015). The song of the shirt: The high price of cheap garments, from Blackburn to Bangladesh. Oxford University Press.

Seabrook, J. (2013). Pauperland: Poverty and the poor in Britain. Hurst Publishers.

Seabrook, J. (2012). Deindustrializing humanity: we have long been taught to see nature and humanity as commodities feeding the monster of economic growth. But a new paradigm is emerging, asserts Jeremy Seabrook. New Internationalist
 451, 54.

Seabrook, J., & Siddiqui, I. A. (2011). People Without History: India's Muslim Ghettos. Pluto Press.

Seabrook, J. (2008). The refuge and the fortress: Britain and the flight from tyranny. Springer.  

Seabrook, J. (2007). Cities. Macmillan Education AU.

Seabrook, J. (2004). Consuming cultures: Globalization and local lives. New Internationalist.

Seabrook, J. (2003). A world grown old. Harvard International Review, 25(1), 22.

Seabrook, J. (2001). Children of other worlds: Exploitation in the global market. Pluto Press. Accessed July 20, 2022.

Seabrook, J. (2001). Travels in the skin trade: Tourism and the sex industry. Pluto Press.

Seabrook, J. (1996). In the cities of the south: Scenes from a developing world. Verso.

Seabrook, J. (1985). Landscapes of poverty. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Seabrook, J. (1984). The idea of neighbourhood: What local politics should be about. Pluto Press.

Seabrook, J. (1973). The Underprivileged: A Hundred Years of Family Life and Tradition in a Working Class Street. Penguin Books.

Secondary Text

Hogan, T. (2002). The Spaces of Poverty: Zygmunt BaumanAfter'Jeremy Seabrook. Thesis Eleven, 70(1), 72-87. Accessed July 20, 2022.

Blackwell, T. and Seabrook, J. (1996). Talking work: an oral history. Faber Film.

Extra Resources

Podcast: Jeremy Seabrook, On the wrong end of globalisation: The Kolkata slums. November 25, 2013. POD ACADEMY: Sound Thinking: podcasts of current research. Podcast. Accessed July 20, 2022.

Jeremy Seabrook, Homepage. Accessed July 20, 2022.

Seabrook, J. (2013, November 26). Pauper Managaement by G4S, Serco and Atos is inspired by a putnitive past. The Guardian. Accessed July 20, 2022.