Boaventura de Sousa Santos

Santos, Boaventura de Sousa    .png

Dublin Core


Boaventura de Sousa Santos


“Boaventura de Sousa Santos” by Aula Castelao Filosofía is licensed under CC BY 3.0.

Person Item Type Metadata

Birth Date



Coimbra, Portugal


de Sousa Santos, B. (Ed.). (2020). Voices of the World. Verso Books.

de Sousa Santos, B., & Meneses, M. P. (Eds.). (2019). Knowledges born in the struggle: Constructing the epistemologies of the Global South. Routledge.

de Sousa Santos, B. (2018). Decolonising the university: The challenge of deep cognitive justice. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

de Sousa Santos, B. (2016). From the postmodern to the postcolonial–and beyond both. In Gutiérrez Rodríguez E., Boatcă M., Costa S. (Eds.), Decolonizing European Sociology, 225-242. Routledge.

de Sousa Santos, B. (2015). Epistemologies of the South: Justice against epistemicide. Routledge. p/book/9781612055459

de Sousa Santos, B. (Ed.). (2006). Another production is possible: Beyond the capitalist canon (Vol. 2). Verso.

Secondary Text

Jessop, R. (2021). Learned ignorance: Opposing the scientificising hegemony through Santos, Pope and Hamilton. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 55(2), 409-421.

Escobar, A., de Souza Filho, C. F. M., Nunes, J. A., Coelho, J. P. B., dos Santos, L. G., de Oliveira Neves, L. J., ... & Ghai, Y. (2020). Another knowledge is possible: Beyond northern epistemologies. Verso Books.

Puwar, N. (2020). Puzzlement of a déjà vu: Illuminaries of the global South. The Sociological Review, 68(3), 540-556.

Rodriguez-Medina, L. (2020). The epistemic fights of the twenty-first century: Boaventura de Sousa Santos: The end of the cognitive empire. The coming of age of epistemologies of the South. Duke University Press.

Joffre-Eichhorn, H. J. (2019). Wagering against TINA: Nothing to lose but our…. Utopía y praxis latinoamericana: revista internacional de filosofía iberoamericana y teoría social, (86), 135-147.

Paraskeva, J. M. (ed.) (2016). The curriculum: Whose internationalization? International Academic Publishers.

Extra Resources

Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Epistemologies of the south: building public spaces upon absences and emergences (2016). Vimeo. Accessed May 10, 2022. 

Thinking from and with the Global South: a conversation between Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Lewis Gordon and Maria Paula Meneses. (2019, November 11). Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra. YouTube.  Accessed March 14, 2023.