Richard Jenkins

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Dublin Core


Richard Jenkins

Person Item Type Metadata

Birth Date



United Kingdom


Jenkins, R. (2014). Social identity. Routledge.

Jenkins, R. (2005). Cannabis and young people: Reviewing the evidence. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Jenkins, R. (1998). Culture, classification and (in) competence. Questions of competence: Culture, classification and intellectual disability, 1-24.

Jenkins, R. (1994). Rethinking ethnicity: identity, categorization and power. Ethnic and racial studies, 17(2), 197-223. Accessed 24 June, 2022.

Jenkins, R. (1986). Racism and recruitment: Managers, organisations and equal opportunity in the labour market. Cambridge University Press.

Jenkins, R. (1983). Lads, citizens, and ordinary kids: Working-class youth life-styles in Belfast. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983.

Secondary Text

Collinson, D. L. (1987). Review of Racism and Recruitment. Managers, organisations and equal opportunity in the labour market, by R. Jenkins. Sociology, 21(3), 481–484.

Damer, S. (1986). 1983: Lads, Citizens and Ordinary Kids: Working-Class Youth Life Styles in Belfast. International Journal of Urban & Regional Research 10(1), 144. 1986.

Extra Resources

Bibliography. Richard Jenkins. Accessed December 1, 2022.,

Black Magic and Bogeymen - Richard Jenkins. (2021, June 24). YouTube. Accessed December 1, 2022.,